Phantom is pretty much impossible for competitive, even Ranked play. He dons’t add anything to the team apart from another gun… Maybe a 50% faster repair/defuse or a stronger cloak Also give phantom the 10Hp or the 10 Speed you owe him ;-; he deserves it… Any ideas of Phantom? let people know!!
They are actually reworking Phantom. More news are coming next week :
Just be patient
I hope he stays nerfed to the ground tbh. He is what ruined the game years back. Stealth in games is not needed in any fps game.
@ValyrianKaos said:
I hope he stays nerfed to the ground tbh. He is what ruined the game years back. Stealth in games is not needed in any fps game.
Ain’t holding my breath.
No matter how much we hope for the next buff to make him gud again. He will always fall into the pit of “Poopy Tier Lonely Virgin Merc”. As if the fate is messing with him. For now, the best alternative I can offer, is playing Phoenix as Wolverine.
@GatoCommodore said:
@ValyrianKaos said:
I hope he stays nerfed to the ground tbh. He is what ruined the game years back. Stealth in games is not needed in any fps game.
There’s the biggest proof right there. Lamest class in TF2 that every1 hates haha.
@ValyrianKaos said:
@GatoCommodore said:
@ValyrianKaos said:
I hope he stays nerfed to the ground tbh. He is what ruined the game years back. Stealth in games is not needed in any fps game.There’s the biggest proof right there. Lamest class in TF2 that every1 hates haha.
says who?
Engie and Pyro mains?
Says almost every1 I speak to about it and on most servers people bitching about it. So much so some servers ban spy from being used.
EDIT: why would pyros hate spies btw? Surely they would love them, seeing as they can kill them the easiest.
Actually phantom SHOULD stay out of ranked. Even if he apported something, most phantom mains are individualist AF and baraly know how to play the obj
@ValyrianKaos said:
Says almost every1 I speak to about it and on most servers people bitching about it. So much so some servers ban spy from being used.EDIT: why would pyros hate spies btw? Surely they would love them, seeing as they can kill them the easiest.
good spies wont even get caught by pyro
just like good phantom…
Well speak of the devil, supposedly they’re giving him “FULLY INVISIBLE CLOAK”.
Whatever that ambiguity means… Too good to be true…
@ValyrianKaos said:
@GatoCommodore said:
@ValyrianKaos said:
I hope he stays nerfed to the ground tbh. He is what ruined the game years back. Stealth in games is not needed in any fps game.There’s the biggest proof right there. Lamest class in TF2 that every1 hates haha.
So every1 means people with the situational awareness of a cactus and the eyesight of a mole. But I guess if Hitdetection would be a fixed thing in TF spy would be pretty dumb.
@Da_Mummy said:
@ValyrianKaos said:
@GatoCommodore said:
@ValyrianKaos said:
I hope he stays nerfed to the ground tbh. He is what ruined the game years back. Stealth in games is not needed in any fps game.There’s the biggest proof right there. Lamest class in TF2 that every1 hates haha.
So every1 means people with the situational awareness of a cactus and the eyesight of a mole. But I guess if Hitdetection would be a fixed thing in TF spy would be pretty dumb.
eyesight of a mole? LOL they are completely invis. It’s only hearing which can help you if they are behind you as you can hear them decloak. But if you are not in range of the decloak then you will miss it and Icicle also makes the kill silent.
I’m guessing any1 defending spy are the people who don’t like to have a battle of aiming and rather have a quick 1 shot kill. The way Phantom was when he was 1st released. Little skill, big rewards.
I personally like to be able to see my enemy and fight them accordingly. Not looking at all the flanks and still end up with a enemy behind you with nothing you can do about it as they are completely invis. At least TF2 has narrower corridors and Pyros / soldiers ect spamming AOE damage everywhere. Phantom will be another story.
TF2 Upward, Badwater and Viaduct for Example “narrow corridors” sure
oh and you can touch spy to mak him visible which wont be the case for pjantom when he gets reworked.
Truely invis. Phantom who blocks off entire squads from doorways just by sitting stealthed in the middle …i see it !..if the cloakHP is higher lol
@ValyrianKaos said:
@GatoCommodore said:
@ValyrianKaos said:
I hope he stays nerfed to the ground tbh. He is what ruined the game years back. Stealth in games is not needed in any fps game.There’s the biggest proof right there. Lamest class in TF2 that every1 hates haha.
Have you seen Platinum Spies? They do some serious work, despite peoples’ opinions on Spy.
I like the way Phantom is going. This is perhaps the best way to balance a character that grants invisibility. Even Overwatch is adopting the idea from Spy’s mechanics. The risk of reappearing forces Phantom to carefully think about positioning above all else, and the EMP ensures he can’t camp and relay intel to the team for very long.
On top of that, if Phantom can EMP independent from his cloak, that makes him a huge initiator as well as saboteur. If he becomes more viable in Ranked then great! We should also expect Redeye to see some play because of it (assuming Redeye can see Phantom, never actually tried)