After the last few Mercs have been released I feel like Phatom is just suppose to be a counter for every new Merc.
It feels forced compared to other implementations of balance, (e.g. disableing Javelins guided mode).
I don’t think Pahtom needs a big buff, but there needs to be a different way to balance him other than implementing new Mercs with only demployables (or Projectiles) to disable for Phatom. It just doesn’t feel right. Added to that Phantom is still considered a meele character by many, what he is not in my opinion.
What could be changed? My Ideas:
Phantom’s Ability is supposed to be his main Focus, but your duration of your cloaking doesn’t change much if you move or stand still, my suggestion is to get Phantoms main Focus back to shooting instead of going in close range by making the bar drain even quicker when moving and make him cloak for longer while sneaking/standing still.
By changeing this, his disableing abillitys would be buffed in a passive way, considering it’s more inviting to stand still and disable (and wait for the other players to come) instead of running straight into the enemy players would help their team passivley.
Give him a crosshair dot when sighting when cloaked by default. This would also make his cloak more inviting (exspecially for new players) to stay at range and shoot instead of running in with his meele
I think activlely buffing Phantom is not the right way to go, but changeing little things like this would change the behaviour of Phantom players by ALOT. Phantom is not a meele charakter and he still has a gun not many people use to their advantage.
What’s your opinion on this?