[PC UK/EU] Formula Zero Gaming - recruitment

(J.B) #1

Formula Zero Gaming is a small gaming community made up from friends and people who have caught up with us across various games on the PC. We are based in the UK but have members from across Europe, and we are looking to expand our current team for Brink.

We have our own Multiplay rented server for Brink which is set to public most of the time but we close it for our own events some evenings. Currently we have around 6 members in our Brink team and we’re hoping to expand that to around 12. We may look to enter a competetive ladder/league if interest is high enough, but at the moment we are very much playing it for fun.

All we are looking for are gamers who are active, willing to attend one or two events each week, as well as meet up casually to play the game itself. We also support many other games on the PC and have teams for some racing games, BFBC2, Borderlands (for coop) and we also take interest in other games.

We also have our own Teamspeak 3 and Mumble voice comms servers which are up 24/7.

The only requisite to join is that you are from the U.K or any other EU country (for timezone reasons), and you are aged 16 or above.

To apply, drop in at our website using the URL below and have a look. You can make an application to join the community by using the “Apply to Join” link underneath the site header.