(PC-EU) Player looking for competetive team

(Sonic92) #1

Hello my name is Sonic or IRL Seth and I’m 19 years old and live in Sweden.

To start with:
I have a mic, Vent, TS, Mumble, mIRC.

I’m a team player that really enjoy playing as a team and doing tactics over Vent etc. I’m really getting bored of Brink on solo level, because I really feel that I need to play with a team as a team.

And I’m applying for a PC team thats in the EU. My english is good both in writing and speach. (Some times the spelling isn’t the best :P)

As I said I’m and competetive player but its good to have fun and win matches. And I dont want to play with a team that plays public all the time, but a team that wants to play in leagues, tournaments etc.

I feel that I’m a good Brink player. I will most often get up on the awards as Best Overall or Best Medic and sometimes Best Operative. I play Medic/Engineer but I know how to play all classes when its needed.

So hit me up on steam (settis92) or send me an PM here.

Take care!

(Serotonin) #2

Hey Sonic92,

Silk Clan is recruiting all sorts of members, we are a global multi-platform gaming clan, who are starting out on Brink, and we are going to endeavour to move to other games in the future.

We are usually casual gamers, although for each platform division, we will let out teams to go to tournaments etc.

We are also reaching out to other clans to get some scrims going.

Check us out @ Our Website and Our Forums



(Sonic92) #3

Hey Seretonin I know I’m in your steam group but I’ll wait until you get an EU competetive team and I already have a team.

But thanks

(Runeforce) #4

You migth want to join The Art of Warfare @ taw.net

We have internal clan matches at least twice a week. We have dedicated instructors who will teach all new recruits every apect of the game, from teamwork and communication to trickjumping and map tactics.

We already have at least 8 (veteran) players from the european QW division playing the game regularly and more will come.

You can apply on TAW.net