Hello, thanks ahead of time for checking out my thread.
My name is Cameron, and I live in Spokane, WA (GMT -8, PST). I’ve been gaming nearly all my life, starting with the Original NES when I was only about 4. When I was around 6, I remember my Mom buying me an N64, and Goldeneye 007 (1998, maybe?). That game gave me my start in FPS’s. I went through 6 N64 controllers playing Goldeneye with my friends. A few years later, I started hearing about Counterstrike, when it was an online first person shooter based off the original Half Life. I downloaded it and began playing and I loved it. About 3 years later, 1.6 was released and I played that straight through until Counterstrike: Source was released, and now I have been playing that for longer than both combined.
I also have played numerous FPS’s on my Xbox, though, I really never touch my Xbox anymore. Started FPS’s on there with Call of Duty 4, and I played that on a sponsored team for about 7 months.
I am very active on the steam community, and I am coming from a Counterstrike background - unfortunately 1 (ONE) of my Steam friends was the only one out of the all of them to even pick up the game. I am looking for a strong, dedicated, and skilled community to play Brink with, since it is so heavily team influanced. I am also looking to sometime in the near future getting into the competitive aspect of the game.
Please keep in mind that I am looking for a serious and dedicated community only, while I fully understand and accept Casual groups belong in games, I am not one of those people.
Thanks for taking the time to read, and I look forward to hearing from your communities’ soon!
Feel free to add me on steam, cameronman123.