[PC] 12 year FPS veteran looking for competitive team!

(dingle) #1

Hello, thanks ahead of time for checking out my thread.

My name is Cameron, and I live in Spokane, WA (GMT -8, PST). I’ve been gaming nearly all my life, starting with the Original NES when I was only about 4. When I was around 6, I remember my Mom buying me an N64, and Goldeneye 007 (1998, maybe?). That game gave me my start in FPS’s. I went through 6 N64 controllers playing Goldeneye with my friends. A few years later, I started hearing about Counterstrike, when it was an online first person shooter based off the original Half Life. I downloaded it and began playing and I loved it. About 3 years later, 1.6 was released and I played that straight through until Counterstrike: Source was released, and now I have been playing that for longer than both combined.

I also have played numerous FPS’s on my Xbox, though, I really never touch my Xbox anymore. Started FPS’s on there with Call of Duty 4, and I played that on a sponsored team for about 7 months.

I am very active on the steam community, and I am coming from a Counterstrike background - unfortunately 1 (ONE) of my Steam friends was the only one out of the all of them to even pick up the game. I am looking for a strong, dedicated, and skilled community to play Brink with, since it is so heavily team influanced. I am also looking to sometime in the near future getting into the competitive aspect of the game.

Please keep in mind that I am looking for a serious and dedicated community only, while I fully understand and accept Casual groups belong in games, I am not one of those people.

Thanks for taking the time to read, and I look forward to hearing from your communities’ soon!

Feel free to add me on steam, cameronman123.


(Serotonin) #2

Hey man,

Over at Silk, we run a multi platform global gaming community, we started with Brink, and in the near future we will be moving on to other big releases such as Battlefield 3. At the moment we have around 70 members, and we are rapidly growing.

Here are our forums, and our website:


Do feel free to ask questions, apply or browse around.



(TGMeltdown) #3

TG was created in November 2004 to bring together like-minded gamers from around the globe and from multiple platforms (PS3, 360 and PC), to provide them Head Quarters (web site) where they can share their backgrounds, experience, and interests in teamwork and tactics. With our Warfare and Sports franchises, we have over 1500+ active members. If you wish to become a member, simply visit our site and register at TacticalGaming.net

Feel free to have a look and if you signup, put TG Meltdown in the referred box.


(dingle) #4


Thanks both of you for your posts, it’s appreciated. I think I may be looking for a more dedicated clan towards PC/Brink, since I no longer play console games, or really any other games besides Brink.

I am looking for a highly competitive team. I come from a CAL/CEVO background, and that has bred me into a competitive machine, and especially with Brink, I am desperately wanting to play in competition.

Thanks very much.


(AOD_TheBrettman) #5

AOD is a PC based gaming clan that just opened up a Brink division. We have a 250+ Vent server, strong online community, and cover a wide range of games. We’re very team-oriented and are organizing our competitive team soon, so I would definitely recomend that you check our site out: www.ClanAOD.net.

(Mattc0m) #6

hey dingle,

how often are you looking to practice / scrim?

(dingle) #7


My schedule is extremely flexible right now. I have quite a bit of free time. Just looking to get in some practice and play on as good as a team I can get. I’m not too big of a fan of carrying teams (that happened quite a bit on COD4/CS), and I am really trying to make sure everyone on the team is like-minded.

We are friended on Steam, you can hit me up on there with your thoughts, if you’d like.

Thanks very much.


(TG MaGiickzZ) #8

TG was created in November 2004 to bring together like-minded gamers from around the globe and from multiple platforms (PS3, 360 and PC), to provide them Head Quarters (web site) where they can share their backgrounds, experience, and interests in teamwork and tactics. With our Warfare and Sports franchises, we have over 1500+ active members. If you wish to become a member, simply visit our site and register at TacticalGaming.net

We have our new opened Brink Division and we are looking to become a very active and competitive Division. If you have any questions let me know.

Feel free to have a look and if you signup, put TG MaGiickzZ in the referred box.


(dingle) #9


Still interested in finding a like-minded competitive team! Please post here, or message me on Steam.



(Serotonin) #10

Hey man, we are still recruiting (www.silk-gaming.com) and we are interested in getting together some scrims with other clans, so if you are interested you can also check out our forums, we have got two pc servers up, one in the US and one in the EU, we also have PS3 and Xbox 360 divisions



(dingle) #11


Still interested in finding a team! Please, add me on Steam, or reply to this topic with any questions, or if you’d like to talk.



(goat72) #12

You were 4 when the NES came out? You’re just a youngster :tongue:


([TAW.net] RiEvEr) #13

I would suggest you check out The Art of Warfare.

We officially launched our Brink Division yesterday and it already has over a dozen members with many more on the way through processing (either new members or switching allegiances within TAW).

TAW take competitions seriously, as anyone who plays ETQW would attest to. We also can relax and play with friends sometimes just for a change of pace.

We are a 1300 member, multi-gaming community. Each member commits to just ONE game for ‘official’ attendances, but is free to join in with other games as long as they fulfil that commitment.

Check out our website: http://taw.net/ for more information.

(dingle) #14

@goat - actually, the original NES came out 7 years before I was born (1985). My uncle just gave it to my Mom after I was old enough to hold a controller and know what’s going on. My favorite game of all time is still to this day Super Mario Bros. 3. But yeah, I guess you could call me a youngster then. =P

Also, still interested in finding a team! Please feel free to add on me on Steam!



(spire8989) #15

Add me on steam: counter_clan

We’re looking to pick up a medic and an engineer. Will have tryouts tomorrow probably. :slight_smile:

(dingle) #16

Unfortunately for me the team I had joined was quickly dissolved…

…the search continues…

(dingle) #17

Searching for a top notch team with skilled and friendly players.

Please contact me!


(dingle) #18


Still looking for a skilled team, please hit me up on Steam if you have an offer!



(dingle) #19


Still seeking a team, if you have any information please contact me!

Thank you.


(Mattc0m) #20

Dingle, let us make a team together and call it Team Mattc0m.