Opinion of a returning player

(Unrivaled) #1

The last update which removed CMM and made the Server Browser usable again brought me back after about a year without playing the game. Here are my impressions.


-Merc Balance is pretty good. I still think there are too many explosions and that the game doesn’t require as much skill as it did before, but they don’t seem too op, and the “non explosive mercs” are good enough to be used against the noob-friendly ones.

-Match Balance is good enough. I think it’s largely due to the fact that the game is dying and that there are almost no new players, which means servers tend to be filled only with high ranked players, and you don’t see as many dead weights as before (useless Vassilis, Auras that don’t revive, you know what I’m talking about).


-Castle is good. Well-balanced, well-designed, it will become one of my favorite maps.

-Terminal Redux is pretty good too, I like the changes.

-Dome Redux is slightly better than it was, but a double bombsite system on the second objective doesn’t fit in a game like DB. It was a good try to vary the maps a bit, but it doesn’t work.

In Game progress

-WTF happened to drops??? I haven’t gotten a SINGLE loadout case in more than 15 hours of playtime. Do they even exist anymore? All that I got was maybe 3 Fragment cases. I understand that now they give cards starting at Bronze rarity, but getting 20 fragments every 5 hours doesn’t make up for the recycling potential leads and irons had.

-The grind is pretty bad. Obviously, I’m now missing quite a few mercs, and I can only imagine how horrible it must be for new players to grind hours and hours to unlock more than 20 mercs. That credit rate was ok when there were 10 to 15 mercs, but now that there are more, starting to play now must be a real pain. The game is not technically p2w as you can get everything with credits, but a lot of people will feel forced to buy mercs with real money. It’s an acceptable way to monetize the game, but at this point retaining new players might be more important.


-Updates are insanely large. 1.3 GB for the last one, really? I remember an announcement in an old dev video saying they had done something about that at some point, and it did get better after that, but it seems like we’re back to 1+ Gb updates. Sucks for people who don’t have great internet.

-What was the point of removing texturepoolsize 1? It already should have been an in game option, but now we can’t even enable it through the console? Come on, this is just a pointless removal.

-There is still no proper clan system after all that time.

-Finishing downed players with the knife can be a pain, the hitboxes are so bad.

(Mc1412013) #2

-Updates are insanely large. 1.3 GB for the last one, really?

Its because theres massive chages on the back end and front end. There doing alot to the game we dont see in prep of going full release.

(bgyoshi) #3

Oh how I wish I could have such nice impressions like this…cherish this moment

@Unrivaled said:
In Game progress

-WTF happened to drops???

People got sick of them so…

Do they even exist anymore?

Nope, not really. You get fragments and boosters but that’s about it.

-The grind is pretty bad.

Just do your missions. Finish a cycle, come back when the timer resets, do another… you can get 50k in a week easily, with just an hour or two of play a day.


-Updates are insanely large. 1.3 GB for the last one, really?

I guess I’ve been spoiled since 2011 from 12MB internet that I stopped noticing the 15 minute download time on 1.3GB updates. Although with the fast stuff now I REALLY don’t notice the 2 minute download time.

-There is still no proper clan system after all that time.

Almost as if CMM was made because people wanted a way to party up and play together, and then people complained about the matching balance so much that they spent all of their time to improving it, and never could get around to actually improving the mode itself. So weird…

Like I said, enjoy the things you like while you can. Nice to hear that match balance feels fine, I was beginning to think I was the only one that didn’t care about it.

(Ominous) #4

Hey Mate, I agree with you :slight_smile: The updates however have been around 200mb or less. Lately with 64bit client, dx11 and back end changes, the updates are going to be bigger. As far as clans go they are releasing rented servers. GLTCH and LHR both have servers in Aus, allowing them to have admin rights, not sure if this is what you were talking about. Everything else I think you’re spot on.

(Unrivaled) #5

@bgyoshi said:
Like I said, enjoy the things you like while you can.

Well, as long as they let me use the server browser, I can somewhat enjoy the game anyway, since I can easily get away from the maps I don’t like and I can easily balance the games myself if needed by swapping teams, so yeah

@Ominous_ said:
Hey Mate, I agree with you :slight_smile: The updates however have been around 200mb or less. Lately with 64bit client, dx11 and back end changes, the updates are going to be bigger. As far as clans go they are releasing rented servers. GLTCH and LHR both have servers in Aus, allowing them to have admin rights, not sure if this is what you were talking about. Everything else I think you’re spot on.

Well I meant a clan system, where you can add members to your clan, have a clan chat, all that stuff like in almost any other game. But yeah rented servers are always a nice thing and can probably help people play together without to have to go through Face it.

(bgyoshi) #6

@Unrivaled said:

Well I meant a clan system, where you can add members to your clan, have a clan chat, all that stuff like in almost any other game. But yeah rented servers are always a nice thing and can probably help people play together without to have to go through Face it.

EDIT: I was going to respond by mentioning FACEIT but then I noticed you mentioned it already. HUR

(hawkeyeguy99) #7

The grind isn’t so bad, but what’s lacking is the reason to grind. I’m only level 59 in-game and I’ve unlocked every merc, gotten cobalts for every merc I want them for (some mercs with multiple) and have special edition loadouts everywhere. So what’s left for me to spend my credits on? Seasonal events like the current Melee Mayhem. (which is great by the way) But once those events are gone, there’s no reason to keep playing beyond the fact that I like the game. There needs to be more to unlock, more to work towards that don’t require spending real life cash to use (aka the locked case drops that require a key to open.)

(Teflon Love) #8

(Oops, wrong thread)

(K1X455) #9

Netcode is worse than 1 year ago.