Old North American Enemy Territory vet looking for team

(superReply) #1

As title says, played comp NA ET for, idr, 5 or 7 seasons altogether for TWL and CAL ( 2003-2007 or so ).
If anyone here from that game + era ; I’m j0!Nt from nde.
Mentioning that means my skill level is possibly known to some. Not a top 10 player by any standard, but I’m fairly decent shot, very, very good at game sense – know where I should be and when – play out each round 100% no matter rolling or getting rolled.

Anyways, been playing this awhile now, had no idea there was active comp so I want in

(superReply) #2

Just like in ET, I play Skyhammer and aura best. Not sure how much time I could dedicate, but I would love to even just get in on some scrims.

I play dirty bomb under ‘uneveN’

(priah) #3

I added you but it looks like you turned down my friend request?

(superReply) #4

i got ya :wink: I had clicked ignore by accident