i mean, look at these screenshots!
(these are character pool soldiers, and i have a mod running that makes the game promote them into the class specified in the character pool, so there are only 2 classes. one of the guys was supposed to be random, but RNG decided i needed 3 miniguns and nade launchers…not exactly wrong, but…)
for the uninformed, XCOM 2 has had a bit of a bug since launch - if your soldiers were promoted into squaddie rank from rookies, and got any class that didnt have the assault rifle on default, whatever weapon customization you had on the character would be removed for the new weapon on the class. i have a mod running that fixes it, but for these “demo reel” things where you got each class for the first time, the weapons would revert to its default customization for a while before going back, and Firaxis FINALLY FIXED IT SO IT STAYS THROUGH THE ENTIRE THING! the select/deselect all checkbox from the modmanager was indeed great, but it wasnt a bug in any sense of the word, just…incomplete, i guess. THIS was a bug. and it’s fixed. yay.
(btw, i just realized i havent made any DB characters yet despite downloading every related voicepack mod so far. i shall remedy that immediately.)
UNRELATED EDIT: i just poked through my armory to see who do i have with me this run, and look what i found.
a total random, but he’s hired. f*ck it, he’ll be my right hand man.