Offline Mode

(amazinglarry) #1

So I finally got my hands on RAD Soldiers which looks great on my iPad btw!

I noticed so far that there are only ‘Challenges’ and ‘Online Multiplayer’ against random opponents or friends who have the game on their device.

Are there any plans to add an Offline Mode so two people would be able to play together in person by passing their iWhatevers back and forth to each other? Maybe just eliminate coin, RAD point awards etc so nobody is able to exploit and rack up free coinage.

It would be awesome to be able to visit my family and have a back and forth game etc.

(SinDonor) #2

[QUOTE=amazinglarry;415686]So I finally got my hands on RAD Soldiers which looks great on my iPad btw!

I noticed so far that there are only ‘Challenges’ and ‘Online Multiplayer’ against random opponents or friends who have the game on their device.

Are there any plans to add an Offline Mode so two people would be able to play together in person by passing their iWhatevers back and forth to each other? Maybe just eliminate coin, RAD point awards etc so nobody is able to exploit and rack up free coinage.

It would be awesome to be able to visit my family and have a back and forth game etc.[/QUOTE]

Great suggestion, IMO.

Also, perhaps just a “Custom Match” option to play vs the AI and the player gets to choose the AI’s level of difficulty?

(EL-CO) #3

Agree. I would like to have a kind of sandbox mode, where you can play with yourself (or another person in pass-and-play mode) without any reward. It would be very useful not only for pass-and-play but also for testing your strategy (or new units/weapons) and analyzing the maps to know where you can have cover/line of sight etc.

(Sandman77) #4

Kickass ideas!!!

(Nooby.) #5

This idea if so great I can then show it off to my friends and get them in to it and I would have more people to play that take there turn even if getting there a$$ hand to them :3

(amazinglarry) #6

And you can buy them an iOS device too. Hooray.

(Gamicus) #7

We’ve considered “Pass and Play” mode, but it’s not high up on our list right now. As a priority, we want to fix the current issues first and keep the new content pumping out with new Map Packs, Challenges, Soldiers and Weapons and Outfits.

(Nooby.) #8

Yeah better to get all the bugs out before doing something new is a good idea

(Sandman77) #9

I got the two addons allready after 5 days of playing, woohoo!

(alexemil5) #10

Sandbox mode great idea… Like it.

(Desparado) #11

Whoa, mind blown. I had a huge suggestion thread but this is something I hadn’t really thought of; Pass&Play and Custom AI matches (difficulty, soldiers, map, etc).

Great thoughts. I voted the thread up. nice.