Obsidian Operatives Update

(TitaniumRapture) #41

@Cletus_VanDamme said:

Regarding people complaining, come on, $30 ($40 AUD for me) is 1 or 2 hours work. No big deal. If you’re of school age, this is a reminder to study hard and get a good job, so you can afford to splash out on things like this once in a while.

For me 30 dollars mean 7 hours of work and I am pretty sure that there are countries where it means even more.

(ChuckJones) #42

@Djiesse said:

@ChuckJones said:
I have no idea how much work it is to re-skin weapons, but if they wanted to let us swap to the best br16 load-out for arty for example, they would just need to replace the caulden with a re-skinned selbstadt. The melee and augments don’t have skins that need making.
I’m 99.99% sure that they use templates and flat “wallpaper” patterns for the weapon skins. In other words, once they have created the patterns for a skin set, there is no additional work required to apply the skin to the weapons, the game engine takes care of it. For instance, for the Season 3 skins they created the shatter triangles pattern and assigned it to the stocks and grips portion of the weapons, and voilà, all weapons have that pattern applied to their stock and/or grip. Same for the yellow and black parts, they did not create unique skin textures for each weapon, only 3 shared patterns.

All this to say that your Tactical Black Selbstadt already exists…

If it’s that easy than for what the cards cost we should really get the option to convert our obisidians to good loadouts.

(everlovestruck) #43

I spawned with a skin texture today

After dying once it got back to normal black leather

(everlovestruck) #44

Another bug
If you select another equpped card inside match you may get this:

I don’t own obsidian Fletcher, albeit Arty I do possess
I switched from obsidian Arty to bronze Fletcher
As you see, the gun has bronze camo, while the gloves have a texture of obsidian skin

(TitaniumRapture) #45

@everlovestruck said:
Another bug
If you select another equpped card inside match you may get this:

I don’t own obsidian Fletcher, albeit Arty I do possess
I switched from obsidian Arty to bronze Fletcher
As you see, the gun has bronze camo, while the gloves have a texture of obsidian skin

It looks great. Why are you complaining? :slight_smile: