|O.S| www.osclan.us New Competitive Clan

(aviynw) #1

I’ve started a new competitive clan for Brink. Because this clan is entirely new (Right now I’m the only member) what exactly the clan becomes will largely be up to its future members. If you would like to have a large role in forming the community you play with, now is the perfect time to join

However, the basic tenets of the clan should remain to

[li]Bring people who enjoy playing Brink competitively together by providing a server for people to play on regularly and forums for members to interact with eachother. Get to know the people you play against! (A basic requirement for accomplishing this is that members must use voice chat on the servers!)
[/li][li]Be a resource for all things competetive Brink
[/li][li]Regularly organize competitive matches within the clan and against other clans and make it easy for members to form their own teams for participating in 3rd party tournaments

The clan also assumes a certain level of maturity, and in that spirit there won’t much restrictions on what you can say. If you have delicate sensitivites and can’t handle that, this clan is not for you.

Despite what the domain might imply, people from all countries are welcome!
(As long as your ping aint higher than my credit score)

Check us out at www.osclan.us