No un-hack would be fine.

(tangoliber) #21

I’m honestly not following this conversation at all. I don’t see a relation between my post and your reply, as I didn’t say anything about HE Charges.
I also don’t see anywhere that we disagreed on anything. :slight_smile:

(.FROST.) #22

Thought you meant the HE-plant at the Sec Tower entrance. Sorry, my fault.

(tangoliber) #23

No problem, man. :slight_smile:

(nephandys) #24

That’s how I would’ve liked to see it work as well. Some similar mechanics in other titles that I liked.

(wolfnemesis75) #25

I am on both sides of the fence on this issue. It does make it more challenging having the hack remove feature, but could also see many reasons for making it so once the hack is planted, it can not be removed fully. But, that’d make it so half a map is used on like a Reactor.