No more people in Ranked?

(Artyrim) #1

Peak Time,waited for matches about 5 min
Yday and today
Seems like there are less people playing ranked .
In one match I had an Aimee with 50 hours(about lv 10) and he only played with that sniper.Aimeeing in atk,instead of protecting the c4 he was planting for the second objective( -_-) or Aimeeing in def,instead of diffuse the c4 from main he was diffusing the c4 from the generator with that Aimee xD.

(Teflon Love) #2

I’ve occasionally played with bronze players too and sometimes I wish that if your initial rank is bronze the game would ban you from ranked for a month so you can hon your skills in casual. After that you start out unranked again and can try to go for a non bronze initial rank again. :trollface:

(GatoCommodore) #3

maybe they go to sleep, because tomorrow they go to work or go to school

(Artyrim) #4

@GatoCommodore said:
maybe they go to sleep, because tomorrow they go to work or go to school

After 3 weeks they decided to sleep xD.I played for the first time with bronzes yday. Never happened before

(Press E) #5

Ranked always dies down after a few weeks, it has with every season. Most people get the 1 or 2 cards that they wanted and then just leave since they don’t care about ranked, some just get bored, etc.

(ThePigVomit) #6

Try a different region. Sometimes Europe will give me a game when the US player count is low.

(ThunderZsolt) #7

I usually only do the 10 qualifying games.

Then I realize, that out of those 10 matches

  • 3 is played on a Stockholm server (see my thread about them if you don’t know what I’m talking about)
  • 2 games start 5v4 without the disconnecting player being able to reconnect
  • in 2 matches I have teammates (probably enemies as well) playing free rotation mercanaries with default loadouts
  • and have 3 reasonable games, with only 2 of them finishing 5v5.

Managed to win 8 out of 10 anyway, got placed in Silver officer, gg wp, see u next season. (In silver ranks you play with unranked players all the time, and most of them are lvl7 bronze material)

(emjot) #8

I stopped since I realized my team is RNG 2.0 if I soloq.
Look at your 3rd screenshot, FROST guy thought he will have some good teammates since he’s almost cobalt, SD is like “no no no, here u go a party of noobs, they will (not) help you”.

(Sorotia) #9

Ranked always dies down after a few weeks, it has with every season. Most people get the 1 or 2 cards that they wanted and then just leave since they don’t care about ranked, some just get bored, etc.

I wish I had that luck…I play ranked, get horrid teams, then I get a horrible card and I ended up quitting because it wasn’t worth the pain to grind a second card.

(Artyrim) #10

Ranked always dies down after a few weeks, it has with every season. Most people get the 1 or 2 cards that they wanted and then just leave since they don’t care about ranked, some just get bored, etc.

I agree with you about the first part however I don’t think that most of people play/played for skins. Skins from the s4 are the worst anyway.
I don’t play for skins or ranks but mostly I like a little of tryhard and “will to win”(no guardian/javelin as well ).
Why someone should play Pubs when they can have more fun in ranked?

@emjot said:
Look at your 3rd screenshot, FROST guy thought he will have some good teammates since he’s almost cobalt, SD is like “no no no, here u go a party of noobs, they will (not) help you”.

Well is more like “TryHarder” xD
Joking aside he was really good ,better than most of low cobalts i have met. Is a shame when you have teams like this . You always want to take a break after shitty match

(bgyoshi) #11

Ranked is baaaaaaaaaad

5v5 is baaaaaaaaaad

Nobody wants to plaaaaaaayyyyyyyy it

Just give up on Ranked. They refuse to change it because people play it hoping that it gets better. If we stop playing it, they will make real, actual changes to it. Eventually.

(aminuseternal) #12

The game is balanced around 5v5 and friendly fire… I had a decent amount of ranked games, well up until today, where I ahve either had leavers, or one guy who kept throwing matches

(Mcdoogan) #13

Seems the number one issue that keeps getting brought up about ranked is server pop.

With a low population of players to choose from you will get bad imbalance in most of the matches ran.

Until DB population gets better ranked will forever be screwed not matter how much tweaking is done.

Both the community and SD need to pull together and bring more players in if this issue is ever going to get resolved or at least as close as possible to being fixed.

(aminuseternal) #14

Well part of the problem I think is just oversaturation and exhaustion of sci fi military shooters. I mean lawbreakers was dead on arrival, so how do you get people back? Especially when most people assume that the game is dead.

(Press E) #15

Oversaturation doesn’t have as much of an impact as people think imo. For one, DB came before a lot of that PVP FPS oversaturation really started taking off. Having an existing dedicated playerbase means the game can stay alive, even with competition, even if its current population isn’t large. However, that’s mainly due to a lack of advertising.

Imo the main problem with ranked is that SD is trying to balance it to fit a player population they don’t have. Team-based rank in a game without fixed teams can sort-of work in games with a large population, but not a smaller game. But for whatever reason, SD keeps trying to push the current system, rather than scrapping it in favour of a personal performance based system.
I get it, being a team is cool, but it just doesn’t work. There’s no point in slightly tweaking it like they’re trying to do. You can polish a turd, but it’s still a turd. Ranked isn’t bad because of a lack of players, it’s bad because its system is built for the wrong amount of players.

@Artyrim said:

Ranked always dies down after a few weeks, it has with every season. Most people get the 1 or 2 cards that they wanted and then just leave since they don’t care about ranked, some just get bored, etc.

I agree with you about the first part however I don’t think that most of people play/played for skins. Skins from the s4 are the worst anyway.
I don’t play for skins or ranks but mostly I like a little of tryhard and “will to win”(no guardian/javelin as well ).
Why someone should play Pubs when they can have more fun in ranked?

Well, it’s been my experience. Almost everyone I know who plays ranked in DB mainly does so because of its rewards. And I’m talking about long time veterans and new players alike.

Lots of people have been asking for a purple skin for a long time too. Sure it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but a lot of people like it, myself included. But hell, some people just like being completionistic and having the skin for the sake of having it.
I like the challenge of ranked too, but as broken as it is right now, I just can’t enjoy most matches. Long wait times for matches balanced even more poorly than pubs, all packed together with an RNG team just aren’t very fun to me. Because of that, my biggest reason for playing ranked honestly is just the skins.

(bgyoshi) #16

@aminuseternal said:
The game is balanced around 5v5 and friendly fire… I had a decent amount of ranked games, well up until today, where I ahve either had leavers, or one guy who kept throwing matches

It doesn’t matter what the game is balanced around. They balance it for 5v5 and yet 6v6 is far more fun and balanced than 5v5 could ever hope to be. So keep balancing the game for 5v5 and just allow 6v6 Ranked because that’s what’s fun.