Nick (Assault)


‘Chaos is my element. Most are good creating it, but I can control it.’
‘I like a long, hard shaft sticking up the place where the sun don’t shine.’

“Nick” is a hyperactive chick that looks younger and smaller than anyone else in MercServ’s database, even girls like Aura and Kira. Being enormous pedo bait she often is harassed by other mercs over her small size. That being said she’s a huge killing machine, being able to “play” with firearms like a pro. She says she’s american, hailing from Nevada and being a complete gun nut.

Clive Fitzmorgan holds a few if not several suspicions of this claim.

When questioned about these suspicions, he says that they are best left outside of business and they might be unfounded. He refused to comment further.

“Nick” has an impractical fascination with BDSM. When told that all MercServ employees are to use firearms and “normie” weapons, (her words) she brandished an M9. Good enough.

After some encouragement, we found her comfortable with these weapons:

Hurstal 2K

Hoigat .224

Stun Batons

Physical Examinations:
Stability Examination:

  • MercServ put Nick through a series of tests to determine the point in which wounds start to cause problems for a person’s physical well-being. Nick had zero problems with this but results disappointed us. Her kinkiness doesn’t translate into discipline.
  • The typical MercServ test for this vector is through putting that person in a “burn room”, where large amounts of fuel are laid around the room in a safe manner, meant to determine how long a person can sustain normal function when oxygen is removed and heat is applied.
  • She lasted 10 seconds, flat. The longest a person lasted in that test is 20 seconds, but that’s only impressive because oxygen concentrations decrease and temperature increases on an exponential basis. Nick took the test well and had no further problems about it.

Agility Examination:

  • MercServ put Nick through the assault course. She finished as fast as our top two members of personnel, “Aura” and “Sparks”. Her average running speed is 4.7 meters per second.

Q - Split Second
Nick likes making puns about her quick wit and movement speed but to be honest she has a lot to back that up. She was shot at by a sniper in the open once, and avoided injury effortlessly. She survived a point blank explosive blast without dying or being scratched.

MercServ's description file for people that need to lose their jobs

Health: 100
Speed: 470

Primary Classification: Assault
Primary Weapons: PDW Class
Secondary Weapons: CMP Class

Unknown ability

-MercServ Files

Scorched parchment written in highly encrypted Russian

Ability startup: 1 second
Ability duration: 1 second
Ability cooldown: 18 seconds
Effect: Total invincibility (signalled by total horizontal blur on model)
Can only use a primary weapon when warming up or using ability
<a href=>Makes noise when ability is activated.

You got mail!

Name: Nicole Alnikova
Blood Type: AB-
DoB: 1989
Birth Weight: ■■■ (information redacted for viewers here)

-Nick’s birth certificate sourced from Russian authorities.

Superman sman@mcsv.■■■
To: ■■■
CC: ■■■
This new information has all sorts of scary attached to it. When we recruited her she said she was 18. Like hell she’s 18 years old! Put Nick under surveillance. Someone that has this much to hide is both too valuable and too dangerous to handle blindly.

Do not release this information to Bushwhacker. Anyone that opened this message will be fined $100000 if Bushwhacker reads this message. We don’t need him to go on some manhunt to find Putin again.

KGB Immortal Project
Nick’s Birth Certificate
FSB Immortal Project
FSB Rollback Project

(Mr-Penguin) #2

Hooray, I don’t have to guess basic stats this time!

Regarding basic stats, the movespeed ratio is way off. 100 HP with Aura movement doesn’t sit well with me, especially with access to the Hurtsall and the katana- Nick would be an even better Kiratana. Hell, all of the melee weapons are on the higher end of the damage scale, and with 1 sec of invincibility, she can close the gap quickly without the risk of being rapidly headshot for that duration.

Speaking of the main ability, can she attack while invulnerable? Can she do everything normally? Does she have to activate a thingie to start the warmup time? A 1 second “reflex shield” isn’t a bad idea, but there are still plenty of unanswered questions about it.

Split Second also feels more like a secondary ability than a primary one- I think there should be another ability that it complements. Keeping with her general mobility and reaction theme, perhaps a speed boost or self-heal (though the former would necessitate a speed nerf).


@Mr-Penguin said:
Hooray, I don’t have to guess basic stats this time!

Regarding basic stats, the movespeed ratio is way off. 100 HP with Aura movement doesn’t sit well with me, especially with access to the Hurtsall and the katana- Nick would be an even better Kiratana. Hell, all of the melee weapons are on the higher end of the damage scale, and with 1 sec of invincibility, she can close the gap quickly without the risk of being rapidly headshot for that duration.
Her movespeed ratio is this character’s primary skill.

Speaking of the main ability, can she attack while invulnerable? Can she do everything normally? Does she have to activate a thingie to start the warmup time? A 1 second “reflex shield” isn’t a bad idea, but there are still plenty of unanswered questions about it.
She has to activate her ability first and it’s not instantaneous. Nick can only use her primary during the invincibility phase. It’s short but also supposed to be enough that Nick can take down one character without taking damage.

Nick is boastful and arrogant so making tons of noise before her ability is used would be a good idea.

Split Second also feels more like a secondary ability than a primary one- I think there should be another ability that it complements. Keeping with her general mobility and reaction theme, perhaps a speed boost or self-heal (though the former would necessitate a speed nerf).
Do you really want her to have more abilities? I wanted the merc’s strategy to be centralized around using the invincibility frames and the fast TTK of her weapons to push objectives and control the map with her movement speed.