New Video! DB: Money (is it Pay 2 Win?)

(LCTR) #1


I’ve not posted here before, so hello everyone :slight_smile:

I’ve made a new DB video looking at money in DB - mainly for new players wanting to know about the game, after all, there can be a lot of misinformation around…

I know you fine DB-playing people probably know what’s up already, but I hope you like it or find it useful to point new players at it :slight_smile:

You may or may not have seen my previous DB video: “7 New-Player Dirty Bomb Tips & Tricks!” :slight_smile:

If you have any comments, questions or suggestions I’d love to hear them!

Cheers :slight_smile:

(Glot) #2

amazing! very usefull for new players. gonna share this for sure.

(ThatRandomGuy) #3

[wrong about avg credits earned per 3hr play session)
You missed few things,

First Objective of the day :500
First stopwatch of the day :500
First Win of the day:500
That alone makes 1500C + C earned for playing 2 rounds. Which would be around 500 (obj+stopwatch), which puts you at a minimum of 2000C per day…

The least C you can earn per day is 2000C.

Now moving to missions, lets say you are unlucky and got 3x500 missions and 1 of them is waterboy (which we would normally abandone) ,

Completing the missions (2x500) puts you at avg 3000C + the rounds needed for completing mission. (lets say you are not that good , 1000C for 6 rounds)

Now you have actually made about 4000C+ Minimum per day… Just by doing 2 missions…
So on avg you earn more than 3500 (even if you are an absolute noob)…

If you are kinda lucky, you would get 750x2 + 500x1,
which gives around 1500+500+2000+C for missions [1000] = 5000C minimum per day…

[For me, on avg i make ±8k (sometimes 10k+) C per 3-4hrs .

Depending on playtime you have even higher chance to get more C. Lets say you started playing @ X hour, which is 1hr before new mission pops up. Now you have chance to complete 3 more missions as well…

Also different loadout cards has different weapons, weapons like SMG 9 are, without argument crappy when compared to other SMGs…(in terms of TTK)