New Update to Shop!

(SnaksiXD) #1

I think there shoud be an selling place in the shop of RAD Soldiers. In there, players can “sell” their weapons or soldiers 1/3 or 1/2 price. I hate when i have two Knarly Knives and two Cold Automatics (As all of the players!) and i cannot do nothing to them!

(tinker) #2

the problem is not 2 of a kind, you sometimes need more than 2 of a kind for a certain combination. problem is when you get a 6th character or like the 8th hoo-hah AR … if you only have 2 hoo-hah you always have to swap them when you play with more than 1 squad

a simple sell of characters to the NPC would solve this though, but I think you might just get the real price back, most of the more-than-needed things came through loot crates.

a real in-game-shop would only be neccessary if “new” content comes to the game… like titles, emblems, rare skins or something…