New Quake Wars Online Teaser Trailer Released

(ED209) #21

It would be cool to play through the timeline to Q2 again. How long did the Stroggies infest the Earth anyway?

(tokamak) #22

ETQW.Lalala is will be in pure euphoria.

(General_Zod) #23

Around the time quake live came out, john carmack mentioning maybe ET would get the same treatment depending on how quake live did.

Haven’t heard anything since, but when I first saw this I thought they were doing etqw instead. Could this be a testbed to later have internet access like quake live?

(Nagromme) #24

At first I didn’t like the idea of a different game that is ALMOST Quake Wars. I like QW as it is! But an idea that evolves can have real merits. So I welcome any new form QW may take.

(General_Zod) #25

I believe this is just ETQW but done a la quake live. I don’t believe there is any modifications to the actual gameplay, just that they made a new cgi trailer.

(Nagromme) #26

That would be cool, but trailer made me wonder. That, and the changes made to QW for consoles (which I understand but don’t like*).

(* Then again, I don’t like first-person shooters on consoles, period. Joystick aiming is so awkward that they give you auto-aim training wheels. I’d rather do my OWN aiming.)

(powerkorea) #27

I’m Korean Player.

I was closed beta tester of QUAKE Wars Online (

It’s same to Original ETQW.

:slight_smile: :oppressor: :armadillochase:

(light_sh4v0r) #28

Thanks for the info :slight_smile:

(Susefreak) #29

Why the new studio then? There must have been something that was changed?

(light_sh4v0r) #30

The networking and account login etc I suppose :wink:

(Nagromme) #31

Cool—I’d love to see QW reach more people. Best game I’ve ever played, and sadly underappreciated. (I generally have about half a dozen good servers to choose from… but I used to have more and those days were nice.)

(General_Zod) #32

So is there any plans for this to have a wider NA release a la quake live?

(light_sh4v0r) #33

Probably not, not anytime soon anyway.

(Nail) #34

free isn’t an Activision kind of thing


(Susefreak) #35

(General_Zod) #36

you say free isn’t an activision kind of thing, but id did it with quake live. Anyway, it would be awesome and I think it’s something they should consider based upon the success of this. They can look at quake live’s success as a base, but it is a very old game. Just the fact of this being a somewhat recent game comparatively could give it a boost in popularity.

(Nail) #37

you realize this version of Quake Wars is not on the internet, but rather a large network of gaming cafes (22,000+) with centrally hosted game servers that Korean nationals (must have id number) can play at for a small fee

(Nagromme) #38

Thanks for the clarification. Still, 22,000 sites loaded with QW sounds good to me :slight_smile:

(Virus047) #39

Interesting. I would play it if it was released to the NA Market. Looks fun.

(maggol) #40

But one question, is it mod-able?