It would be cool to play through the timeline to Q2 again. How long did the Stroggies infest the Earth anyway?
New Quake Wars Online Teaser Trailer Released
Around the time quake live came out, john carmack mentioning maybe ET would get the same treatment depending on how quake live did.
Haven’t heard anything since, but when I first saw this I thought they were doing etqw instead. Could this be a testbed to later have internet access like quake live?
At first I didn’t like the idea of a different game that is ALMOST Quake Wars. I like QW as it is! But an idea that evolves can have real merits. So I welcome any new form QW may take.
I believe this is just ETQW but done a la quake live. I don’t believe there is any modifications to the actual gameplay, just that they made a new cgi trailer.
That would be cool, but trailer made me wonder. That, and the changes made to QW for consoles (which I understand but don’t like*).
(* Then again, I don’t like first-person shooters on consoles, period. Joystick aiming is so awkward that they give you auto-aim training wheels. I’d rather do my OWN aiming.)
I’m Korean Player.
I was closed beta tester of QUAKE Wars Online (
It’s same to Original ETQW.
:oppressor: :armadillochase:
Cool—I’d love to see QW reach more people. Best game I’ve ever played, and sadly underappreciated. (I generally have about half a dozen good servers to choose from… but I used to have more and those days were nice.)
So is there any plans for this to have a wider NA release a la quake live?
you say free isn’t an activision kind of thing, but id did it with quake live. Anyway, it would be awesome and I think it’s something they should consider based upon the success of this. They can look at quake live’s success as a base, but it is a very old game. Just the fact of this being a somewhat recent game comparatively could give it a boost in popularity.
you realize this version of Quake Wars is not on the internet, but rather a large network of gaming cafes (22,000+) with centrally hosted game servers that Korean nationals (must have id number) can play at for a small fee
Thanks for the clarification. Still, 22,000 sites loaded with QW sounds good to me
Interesting. I would play it if it was released to the NA Market. Looks fun.