new patch better have a sticky bomb nerf

(INF3RN0) #21

Your missing the point. If it were up to me I’d make mines, grenades, and any other “spam” do almost no damage at all and instead do something else. I’d like to see player controlled weaponry be the main source of damage, and make all tools function as actual tools- and not be getting half a player’s kills. So pretty much I’d rather have a higher HP proxy and have her mines create a large AOE slow (like a conc nade) for example when triggered. If they did do a small amount of damage (say 20 or so) additionally, then that would be fine.

(Protekt1) #22

1hk explosives are bad. Should only kill already injured players. And they wouldn’t suddenly become useless because you can’t exactly run into a gun fight at 75% hp and expect to win.

(Nail) #23

you want explosives turned into “spells” , no thanks hate wizards

(INF3RN0) #24

Eh… what?? It’s a simple argument for replacing automated damage as a means of attaining kills, and instead forcing a player to follow up on their ability/tool with the weapon they have to manually control. Then again, it’s a matter of logically fitting game mechanics and not realism. With your logic explosives are spells that OHK… so really don’t understand your point.

(RasteRayzeR) #25

That would defeat the purpose of having mines IMO. I play with mines because I can get good kills with them and make sure that enemies can’t approach the objectives I’m defending.

Relying only on guns to get the kills is a reduction of the gameplay and would quickly become boring or very frustrating for pub players. I’m not against a game mode that features that kind of tweaks (comp-based I’d say), but it shouldn’t be the case for all the game modes. Also I personally get a lot of fun from the game because I can trick other players into walking on my mines or when I can dodge death because one of my landmine just killed the guy who was really close to finish me. How many times a landmine saved last sec. a map ? In my case I can’t count anymore.

Finally, this would have to be consistent, which means that the turrets should not be able to kill. So all engi-abilities would become passive. I believe most of the fun comes from being able to invent new ways to use your abilities and if all your abilities are passive, then there is not much fun left.

That’s my opinion, I know some players would want to be able to kill only based on their tracking skill, but it can’t be applied to the majority of gamers. Hence a new game mode to do that, which could be interesting.

(Smooth) #26

[QUOTE=Seanza;483947]I had a dream last night where the sticky bombs actually had to be manually detonated and they had team colours similar to the mines.

It was just a dream though.[/QUOTE]

(Glottis-3D) #27

sticky mines are great. they might seem a little bit OP (but dont forget engie is low health merc).
overal gameplay with sticky-mine engie is very fun and team-usefull in defense.
it is great for pub.
for comp - yes it is OP. but not so much.

(INF3RN0) #28

Erm… “pub players” that need instant gratification like mines because they get kills they would never get if it required the same effort as a gun. It’s no reason that mines should directly kill people or that they add anything to the game. There is no challenge with such mechanics. Introduce a variety of weapon types and abilities that require practice and precision instead of automated OHK devices, or make those devices take some real effort to execute. The fact of the matter is that there is no skill ceiling with such mechanics, which is because they are designed not to have any. You can never get better at pressing F, and “good placement” is a terrible rebuttal. Out of all of the guns only the sniper can OHK, and it takes the most effort out of everything in the game. The way most “spam” devices function completely contradicts the “high effort, high reward” concept that I thought everyone here praised?

I wouldn’t want them in a game whether I was playing competitively or casually if they function like they do. I simply dislike cheap and simple mechanics, and I personally find it incredibly boring and un-fulfilling when I don’t have to do anything to get a kill than press F and run off. If a big mine or turret kill somehow gives a person a sense of accomplishment, then why the heck do people hate on CoD? And with the sense of logic I hear, in the future we will have merc’s with 1 hp that can shoot a nuke… because it’s much easier to keep stupid-simple mechanics than trying to make them involve any ounce of equal skill.

(Glottis-3D) #29

[QUOTE=INF3RN0;484001]Erm… “pub players” that need instant gratification like mines because they get kills they would never get if it required the same effort as a gun. It’s no reason that mines should directly kill people or that they add anything to the game. There is no challenge with such mechanics. Introduce a variety of weapon types and abilities that require practice and precision instead of automated OHK devices, or make those devices take some real effort to execute. The fact of the matter is that there is no skill ceiling with such mechanics, which is because they are designed not to have any. You can never get better at pressing F, and “good placement” is a terrible rebuttal. Out of all of the guns only the sniper can OHK, and it takes the most effort out of everything in the game. The way most “spam” devices function completely contradicts the “high effort, high reward” concept that I thought everyone here praised?

I wouldn’t want them in a game whether I was playing competitively or casually if they function like they do. I simply dislike cheap and simple mechanics, and I personally find it incredibly boring and un-fulfilling when I don’t have to do anything to get a kill than press F and run off. If a big mine or turret kill somehow gives a person a sense of accomplishment, then why the heck do people hate on CoD? And with the sense of logic I hear, in the future we will have merc’s with 1 hp that can shoot a nuke… because it’s much easier to keep stupid-simple mechanics than trying to make them involve any ounce of equal skill.[/QUOTE]

its not all about kills, mate

proxy and sticky both are balanced out to be able to cover a wide area, 2 pathes covered by 1 merc. not for kills but to alert your team.
dont forget they are alrdy very limited in how they can be usefully played. these are mostly def-only mercs.

i agree though, that when sticky is combined with a medic and stoker with a molotov - this combination is realy overpowered - one of the most difficult defence to pass (take escalator area an 2nd obj of Waterloo).

i think the right way to nerf mines - 5% lower damage and 10% longer cooldown.

(Seanza) #30

That’s just how I roll, baby.

(Finko) #31

I realy dont see any problems with sticky mines. They are pretty easy to confront, and they dont seem OP for me. But they do bring a lot tactics in defense.
+I dont like the idead of manually detonated mines - because this will force engie to be close to mines. Which even more limits his oportunities.

(montheponies) #32

or he’d been playing a lot of TF2… :stuck_out_tongue:

(Protekt1) #33

If the new sticky bombs will be hand detonate, I still hope there is a short delay with a high pitched whine before exploding.

(Rex) #34

Satchel charge is it you?

(shaftz0r) #35

the reason mines were annoying but not OP in ET, was because you could stop moving and defuse it, or jump off of it if you were careful/smart. sticky bombs are made for the lowest denominater of player. the cooldown is a joke, its automatic damage, and couple that with a shotgun, you can easily frag an entire rush by yourself. i literally sat on waterloo the other day and just got frag after frag after frag just by putting them on walls where the team had to rush. it was just plain dumb with no talent involved at all

(Bangtastic) #36

hackable mines ?

(Protekt1) #37

Sounds good to me

(Rex) #38

Yeah satchel charge could be a good idea, but not for mines.

(Mustang) #39

Defusable mines, been saying it since day 1.

(BomBaKlaK) #40

want this to, or nades, or counter ability as inferno start to speak about, but something.