New (Old) Quake Wars Smilies added

(badman) #1

Long thought lost, they’re now back!

How can I add them, you ask? Why, when composing a new post, simply click the “More” link in the Smilies box to get a complete list of all the smilies currently installed. Then click as desired!

:armadillo :

Edit: If you’re unable to find the magic More link, make sure your post editor is set to WYSIWYG at the bottom of the User CP Options.

(MoP) #2



(Aristotle) #3

Haha those are great. Thanks for adding them guys.

:armadillo :

I think that one is my favorite, probably because I do that for fun :tongue:

(Paul) #4

:armadillochase: Yeuy!

(iwound) #5

im worried about what emotion im having right here. :magicpony:

(Salteh) #6

:orbital: woooooo! :stroggtapir:

(panickin) #7

i think that’s the “I’m missing sub6” smiley, haha

:goliathspin: i love this one…

(shagileo) #8

This calls for a certain amount of :

:armadillochase: :armadillochase: :stroggbanana::stroggbanana::infiltrator::oppressor::stroggtapir:

Cool smilies

(ED209) #9

Strogg! Strogg! Strogg!


(Berzerkr) #10

Is room left for Six ET smilies?

(Nail) #11

posted here, a while back

(Berzerkr) #12

You already suggested the same smilies five years ago.
Time to build them in now, or not? :confused:

(Apoc) #13

:stroggtapir: :stroggtapir: :stroggtapir: :armadillochase:

(tapirs hate armadillos)

(shagileo) #14

[quote=Berzerkr;206741]You already suggested the same smilies five years ago.
Time to build them in now, or not? :confused:[/quote]

I’d say ’ why not’ .
Those smilies are pretty cool

(Wezelkrozum) #15




Those are pretty cool:cool:

(Fluffy_gIMp) #16

5 years ago! OMG (we’re sorry)

and yep we are working on versions of these, will update with them soon

(Berzerkr) #17

Some progress?

(WhiteAden) #18

[QUOTE=Fluffy_gIMp;207102]5 years ago! OMG (we’re sorry)

and yep we are working on versions of these, will update with them soon[/QUOTE]

I’d prefer some Brink Smiley’s =)

(Nail) #19

so make some, didn’t we let you come to our wonderful country to learn such things ?

(WhiteAden) #20

actually, I’m participating in the Olympics… I finally won that Olympic Gold I was craving for so long…


but no, I’m not doing any digital design courses atm… so I can’t do that =P