name: Cross or Crosshair or maybe Target
class: engineer
health: balanced by devs
speed: balanced by devs
Nationality: England
catch phrase: i wasn’t aiming at you, you just happen to be in the way of my bullets
story: former SAS, Cross became a mercenary after being critically wounded during a mission. near death, cross made a deal with a private medical organization for a experimental bionic heart to replace his now damaged organic one. to pay off his bills, he retired from SAS and went to the nearest war zone he could find… London.
hired by jackal, he is armed with a advance targeting weapon system that he created, Cross has a resentment towards government entities (CDA) seeing as how they refuse to support his medical expenses to save his life
Ability : a shoulder mounted turret that he has to manually target, by aiming at the enemies and locking on to them. once targeted he can switch to his primary, sidearm and melee weapons while the turret continues to shoot. and he can lock on multiple enemies at a time and the weapon will continue to attack once the first target is down or out of sight
(weapon damage, rate of fire, attack delay and the lock on time should be best balanced by the devs)
weapons: SMGs focused on close to mid range
new weapon idea: dual wielding caulden, m9, Selbstadt .40 and Hoigat.224 or any other new sidearm with high rate of fire and low damage that’s in development.
the side arms being Smjüth & Whetsman, Simeon .357 and the DE.50 or any other high damage slow rate of fire sidearm that’s in development