New map for RTCW: mp_beach2e [FINAL VERSION]

(KolosoK) #1

Hey guys!

Because this is my first post, I would also like to introduce myself. My name is Boris. What I use in games for a name is KolosoK. I play RTCW, HALO, SOF 2, and some other games, but 99% of the time, its RTCW. About 8 months ago, I started mapping for it, but I only created beginner’s maps that were only made out of square/rectangular brushes (objects/walls).

Now, since RTCW is loosing people to new games, my friends from eXcalibur ( and myself want to create or edit maps for RTCW to make it fun again. More maps = larger rotations on servers = more maps to select from (If you don’t like some maps in the rotation of a server, you wil like others).

Here is my first project that took me a week to finish from start to end. It is called mp_beach2 version e. The map has a lot more features compared to the old beach. Check the map out here:

This map does not have any bugs, and it is pretty balanced. The only bug that does not affect gameplay in any way is that the textures on the ground look like triangles in some places and there are no transitions between two textures on the mountains in some spots. I hope you enjoy this map as much as the people at CK battlegrounds or OPP’s pub server.

(fretn) #2

page not found :confused:

(KolosoK) #3


We had over 500 people download the map, and are probably out of the 3 gigs of bandwidth that we were allowed. :eek2:

Hmmm… gotta get me an alternate link. Anyone know any good hosting places that can do it for free? I submitted it to but I do not think it is up yet.

(KolosoK) #4

Try this link:

(HerrK) #5

You see, after this long time the people still love this map! :smiley:

(NdK) :wink:

(KolosoK) #6

It is not THAT long. Only about 3 weeks. lol :beer:

(Caesar) #7

Kolosek, you have PM and contact me on mail…

(Caesar) #8

I will put these map tonight on our web page…stay tooned:-))

(Caesar) #9

Here is LINK, thanks to KolosoK:-)AVE