new info in computer gaming world (april 2006)

(Fab) #21


news copy without source also :bump:[/quote]

I didnt copy your news.

If it really anoys you ill take the unmarked version down, i just dont like putting marked images on my site (unless they are original works). I didnt want to Pss you off.

(Nail) #22

geez, it’s not like any of this stuff is exclusive

(EB) #23

I would watermark the photos with the game logo or SD’s logo LONGGGGG before watermarking the images with any of my domain names.
(…but then again, I am not one of the 50 guys trying to make their ET:QW site #1 prior to game release.)

(Rhoades) #24

Some sweet pictures guys, great work.

(FootSoulJah) #25

Looking good, continues waiting for more

(Joe999) #26

found this map on ze web, thought i’d post it for the interested ones:

(Fab) #27

nice one joe thanks for that :slight_smile:

(IncognitoX) #28

Well actually some of the stuff you find (with markings usually) IS semi exclusive at this point. It is actually distributed to certain sites by Activision.

(ParanoiD) #29

Wow nice find, thank you!

EDIT; This has to do with the text posted above:

A: Having descended to destroy the Ark’s samples and research data, the Strogg must first fight their way past the Global Defense Force (GDF) and build a bridge to allow their heavy vehicles (such as the Goliath Heavy Walker) easier access to the biodome. Success here moves the strogg spawn forward, provides more vehicles, and pushes the GDF spawn back.

B: An oppressor-class Strogg (which deploys missile silos, plasma mortars, etc.) must destroy the reinforced biodome doors with its strategic strike gun. Vehicle access becomes more limited, and local infrastructure, such as antennas, support buildings, and storage facilities, forces players to fight on foot

C: Strogg must infiltrate the biodome complex before finding and fragging the research facility below. As infantry faces off under artificial lighting inside, fierce snowstorms limit visibility on the surface.

Compare the map with this and see :slight_smile:

(John_Thunder) #30

SWEET!!! thnx joe