New guns for brink?

(iezza) #1

Right, so i made these guns cartoony in the style of brink. I was wonderring wether the dev team could just put out their tools for a few select modders? Would help?

(DarkangelUK) #2

I thought you were a console player iezza? Mod tools won’t help you if you are.

(iezza) #3

it wont help us, but it wont hurt us either. get the players up on PC, might get popularity up, few more console purchases?

(Commander_Keen) #4

nice work I had to rewind to see the first 3 because I was so busy trying to find the mute button on my PC that I missed them at first. :smiley:

(iezza) #5

if you want to see my full collecton go here :slight_smile:

(tokamak) #6

I was wonderring wether the dev team could just put out their tools for a few select modders? Would help?

No they could not and no it would not help.

(zenstar) #7

I’m betting Bethesda has the say on if they can put out tools.
Also: they don’t have a set of tools that are all nice and user friendly and properly built, ready for release. They’d actually need to sink some decent development time into turning their tools from “functional” into “usable by anyone” which just isn’t worth it.