New! Gamespot review of GDF vehicles!!

(datoo) #21

Honestly that was not a very informative “profile preview”. But I guess it’s nice to get a few new screenshots, and the Buffalo Transport is new.

(eRRoLfLyNN) #22

lol :stuck_out_tongue:

And i want the ability to put stickers on my Windscreen too, DAve <3 Tracy ftw!! :moo:

Pimp my ETQW Cortina!! :smiley:

(SniperSteve) #23

I wonder if they will have some strong vehicles tomorrow. :smiley:

(ÃœberNoob) #24

They should make the parachutes release a pretty long time, like Apocalypse already said, I would hate it for it to be like the BF2 one where you can jump off a building and just parachute so you take no damage. I think the missile exploding at the end of the trailer might be the one that the Mobile Command Post shoots, the strategic strike missile.

(crumblycake) #25

I don’t know about “STRONG” vehicles, but there must cerntainly be some STROGG vehicles, :slight_smile:

(crumblycake) #26

Well, here are the “STRONG”, I mean, STROGG vehicles…

(datoo) #27

That concept art for the Walker real cool looking.

(Gringo) #28

Yum yum bubble gum.

Will it possible to shove an empty tip top container up the GDF badger’s exhaust pipe to give it that style sooped up vauxhall nova sound :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

(Zyklon) #29

I want to suck in some strogg through the main rotor :>

(Joe999) #30

i know it’s about gameplay, but you might reconsider your decision when you look at the visual difference :smiley:

although i wonder if the shown pic is real gameplay because why would the gdf let go off the gun and turn around with his hand up in the air like in the pic? :rolleyes:

i’m sure we’ll see in approx. a week :clap: