Just wanted to say to the winners of the icon contest as well as to the forum admins that the new color scheme and icons look great and are a welcomed change
New Forum look brings happiness to mine eyes
woah woah, how come in my laptop and in the school’s computer, the icons are the brand new ones, while I use my other PC with widescreen monitor, it is still the old stuff?
Cheers kam, i was wondering why they looked the same but everyone was sayin how good they look. I a noob, he he :lol:
IE7 FTW Gringo!!![/quote]
FF2 FTW! :evil:
The new look is quite good, only the icons at main page look a bit strechted though
That will need some tinkering with the PHP templates… It’s in the HTML code:
HEH…I just posted before I read this:
I don’t mean to sound elitist, but people, the new forum icons thread is mere millimeteres from this one.
And if you had read it you’d know what to do with old icons appearing.