New Dev Video: The Next Skin

(Chris Mullins) #1

Hey all!

The sneakiest Merc in Dirty Bomb is about to suit up…

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(ImSploosh) #2

So will we be able to purchase the skins/loadouts separately from the “bundle?” It was terrible with Turtle. It would have been much better to just offer the skin separately. Felt a little greedy considering the $20 price tag for basically just the skin (veteran players like myself and many others have tons of credits to spend so 50k on Turtle wasn’t an issue). The Fletcher, Arty, and Stoker weren’t that bad though.

I just really hope there’s no need to buy the bundle including Phantom because most players who are interested in purchasing such a skin have him already. I love supporting you guys when the opportunity arises, but if it gets any worse I won’t be able to anymore. :expressionless:

(TheStrangerous) #3

I got a bad feelings about the upcoming balance patch, especially Phantom…
They tryin’ to make their own equivalent of Assassin form Lawbreakers? Y’know how that went.

Anyway… anyone gettin’ vibes from that game Destiny? That costume sure looks like it.

(DB Genome editor) #4

@TheStrangerous said:
Anyway… anyone gettin’ vibes from that game Destiny? That costume sure looks like it.
I feel the trend with these Obsidian skins is to drift away from DB’s core art style. The Arty Obsidian didn’t feel out of place (just a cooler version of the same guy in a leather jacket), but we know this is a very old design. The newer ones are either very high-tecky (Fletcher, Turtle & Phantom, looking almost like superhero outfits) or just plain “different” (Stoker, whose grim style seems totally out of place for me).

I’m not sure I Iike the direction this is going in… :confused:

(Mc1412013) #5

common couldn’t you wait some time my wallets is on life support from 3 turtle bundles for me and my kids and the first set of obsidian operatives

(n-x) #6

@Djiesse I have to agree especially on Stoker. His posh accent and attitude and the skin, that makes him look like a monster from some strange apocalyptic horror movie, dont fit together at all.

(Cletus_VanDamme) #7

@stayfreshshoe PLEASE include a Phantom loadout WITHOUT the katana for those of us who prefer a knife.

Preferably the Gen 1 CR51.

Oh, and make it so that people who already own Phantom are given something like credits or whatever when they buy the bundle so they’re not wasting money, that would be a solid thing IMO.

(SnakekillerX) #8

@Cletus_VanDamme said:
@stayfreshshoe PLEASE include a Phantom loadout WITHOUT the katana for those of us who prefer a knife.

Preferably the Gen 1 CR51.

Oh, and make it so that people who already own Phantom are given something like credits or whatever when they buy the bundle so they’re not wasting money, that would be a solid thing IMO.

I don’t need the credits either, it should just discount the fact that you own the Merc and let you only pay for for the card.

I’m sure this card will at least feature the Katana, but I bet they will ruin it by giving him the Blisloc, which is the gun I hate the most… I’ll actually buy this one if it has any other gun.

(ImSploosh) #9

@Cletus_VanDamme said:
@stayfreshshoe PLEASE include a Phantom loadout WITHOUT the katana for those of us who prefer a knife.

Preferably the Gen 1 CR51.

Oh, and make it so that people who already own Phantom are given something like credits or whatever when they buy the bundle so they’re not wasting money, that would be a solid thing IMO.

It should be discounted if you already own Phantom; no credits are needed. I don’t want to pay real money for credits when I already have a bunch. I’d rather use the money saved to support SD by buying other things, like the Chicken Trinket. But, I have a bad feeling they’re gonna mess up again and only offer it as a bundle like they did with Turtle. :frowning:

(hurgya) #10

@SnakekillerX said:
I’m sure this card will at least feature the Katana, but I bet they will ruin it by giving him the Blisloc, which is the gun I hate the most… I’ll actually buy this one if it has any other gun.

I clearly remember Shoe saying, there will be 3 loadouts. At least one of them probably won’t have Blishlok

(imLegal) #11

@Cletus_VanDamme said:
@stayfreshshoe PLEASE include a Phantom loadout WITHOUT the katana for those of us who prefer a knife.

It’s been confirmed in the comments his loadout(s) will come with the Katana.

(Cletus_VanDamme) #12

Oh well. One less sale for SD.

(MrDubhead) #13

So one very dumb question of mine… when is the release ? ^^


The Obsidian will be released on the 10th August.

(BloodySin) #15

I keep expecting him to go “CoreSec? More like BallSack.”

(Shenaynays) #16

BUT its still phantom so…