New Dev Video: The New Terminal

(Chris Mullins) #1

Hey all,

New Terminal is almost finished. Come and take a look…

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(Mc1412013) #2

So wait is the forward spawn pole gone??? I liked that thing it gave me game mode xp.

(Xenithos) #3

“not communicated well” is an understatement. The English language is pretty straightforward and what was said on Obsidian releases was pretty different. I’m not completely positive, but I’m pretty sure a dev said they would be released again at a later date, but they would be modified so that future releases would be distinguishable from previous ones. I could be wrong.

Personally, I don’t care. I’m actually glad for the opportunity buy them as a bulk pack, and for new players to do so as well.

(zykeroth) #4

@Mc1412013 and everyone else who will freak out: you might be wrong. Might. The flag is gone, but the white dots that marked the Forward Spawn circle are still there.

(BBBadger) #5

“Next week, we’ll discuss the Phantom Rework”

Did I just hear that correctly?

No more ‘Disable Exp increased by X amount’, but an actual rework?

(TheStrangerous) #6


(Begin2018) #7

R.I.P Terminal :frowning:

(PorkyPerson) #8

@stayfreshshoe said:
Hey all,

New Terminal is almost finished. Come and take a look…


The Terminal rework looks like it will be fun. I’ll miss the old one, but that killbox it had at the capture point only exaggerated team imbalance.

re: toxicity
Maybe the real solution is to come up with a better way to evaluate skill and limit servers to similar skill levels. God knows ranked needs a better metric.

@Xenithos said:
“not communicated well” is an understatement. The English language is pretty straightforward and what was said on Obsidian releases was pretty different. I’m not completely positive, but I’m pretty sure a dev said they would be released again at a later date, but they would be modified so that future releases would be distinguishable from previous ones. I could be wrong.

Personally, I don’t care. I’m actually glad for the opportunity buy them as a bulk pack, and for new players to do so as well.

Same, but I’d like to trade my garbage Arty and Fletcher loadouts for the good ones.

I’d also like to have gotten 5 instead of 3 for about the same price.