New Dev Video: Extra Points NOW

(Chris Mullins) #1

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(Mc1412013) #2

@stayfreshshoe why is artie more expensive

(TheOmniscient) #3

Why thank you, this is quite the lovely event, and the obsidian skin character models are very, very nice. As a DB veteran, always happy to support this game as long as it isn’t pay to win ^^.

One question, isn’t Arties skin Javelin’s old model? If so, what happened to Javelin (was kinda waiting for him, lol)

(SnakekillerX) #4

@TheOmniscient said:
Why thank you, this is quite the lovely event, and the obsidian skin character models are very, very nice. As a DB veteran, always happy to support this game as long as it isn’t pay to win ^^.

One question, isn’t Arties skin Javelin’s old model? If so, what happened to Javelin (was kinda waiting for him, lol)

Thought that it was Arties original skin, no?

(TheOmniscient) #5

@SnakekillerX said:

@TheOmniscient said:
Why thank you, this is quite the lovely event, and the obsidian skin character models are very, very nice. As a DB veteran, always happy to support this game as long as it isn’t pay to win ^^.

One question, isn’t Arties skin Javelin’s old model? If so, what happened to Javelin (was kinda waiting for him, lol)

Thought that it was Arties original skin, no?

I have heard this obsidian skin was javelins original model

(DB Genome editor) #6

@Mc1412013 said:
@stayfreshshoe why is artie more expensive

Probably because the Fletcher and Stoker ones are the default models with new heads and a shinny new coat of paint (OK, on the Fletcher model they also removed the arm bandana, but otherwise it’s the exact same old mesh with a new head). On the other hand Arty is a more significant remodel: new jacket and new gear (including the designator slung under his arm B) ) in addition to the new head. More distinctive features = work for the modeling team = more expensive?

@TheOmniscient said:

@SnakekillerX said:

@TheOmniscient said:
One question, isn’t Arties skin Javelin’s old model? If so, what happened to Javelin (was kinda waiting for him, lol)

Thought that it was Arties original skin, no?

I have heard this obsidian skin was javelins original model
That was never the case. That Arty model is an alternate model for him which was only ever release as a screenshot until now. There is a similar alternate model for Bushwhacker. These pics can still be found in the picture gallery of the DB Facebook page if you dig deep enough…

Notice that that Bushwhacker picture also shows a “regular” Arty model which existed prior to the leather jacket alternate. So no, this Obsidian Arty is neither the original Arty nor Javelin, it’s simply a previously unreleased alternate design for Arty.