new defautl cards?????

(Mc1412013) #1

why are javalins and guardians default weapons changed no batons or no axe??? why??? those are just the ones of the top of my head

(emjot) #2

So you can grab better cards later. I would change Fragger as well to something else. But those cards are good start.

(Mc1412013) #3

Long as i can go full kawaii katana. Wait n.m i was told never go full kawaii

(Press E) #4

@emjot said:
So you can grab better cards later. I would change Fragger as well to something else. But those cards are good start.

Doesn’t really make much sense when a lot of the other cards are arguably the best for that merc, or one of the best.
That Thunder, Sawbonez, Fragger, Fletcher, Arty, Aimee, etc are all really good cards. Sure the Guardian and Javelin cards aren’t that bad either, but I’m not sure why they even needed to change them.

(Theatrum) #5

I think it corresponds to the kind of power they want you to have when you first start playing that character and less to do with whether or not it’s the best build for that character.

(Press E) #6

@Theatrum said:
I think it corresponds to the kind of power they want you to have when you first start playing that character and less to do with whether or not it’s the best build for that character.

Yeah but, like I said, a lot of those cards arguably are the best, most powerful build for that merc, lol

(Da_Mummy) #7

I just really hate the fact that some mercs got arguably their best augmented cards while others just got a pretty dumb one
I mean really A31 for Fletcher and on the other hand KE42 for my Spanish companion

(OwynTyler) #8

Proxy with lock-on by default… BURN WORLD BURN :smiley:

(K1X455) #9

@OwynTyler said:
Proxy with lock-on by default… BURN WORLD BURN :smiley:

Be thankful SD hasn’t wised up yet to give her Bigger Blast

(Teflon Love) #10

@Theatrum said:
I think it corresponds to the kind of power they want you to have when you first start playing that character and less to do with whether or not it’s the best build for that character.

It’s nice that quite a few of them have Bomb Squad or Unshakeable which should help new players to survive longer.

(Press E) #11

@K1X455 said:

@OwynTyler said:
Proxy with lock-on by default… BURN WORLD BURN :smiley:

Be thankful SD hasn’t wised up yet to give her Bigger Blast

I’m just waiting until they give her steady or something so when people shoot a mine with low damage weapon, it doesn’t instantly explode in one shot and messes everyone up

(GatoCommodore) #12

@Mc1412013 said:
Long as i can go full kawaii katana. Wait n.m i was told never go full kawaii

but katana kira is the best way for kira to fight in cqc because burst rifle wont dump 3 shot into head in cqc anymore.

(binderr) #13

@Mc1412013 said:
why are javalins and guardians default weapons changed no batons or no axe??? why??? those are just the ones of the top of my head

Yeah was kind of disappointed with javelin default considering she only has one load out card that includes both her new gun and axe! Gonna be tough getting that one card in gold or cabolt.
Gaurdian is meh!! She need re-work for definite.
On the other hand most other mercs default loadouts are pretty damn good, some might even be the best ones.

(watsyurdeal) #14

These aren’t too bad tbh, and getting new ones would be rather quick.

(Dysfnal) #15

notice they’re all bronze skins wtf, and all gen 2? are there going to be gen 1 defaults with no augments or different guns or something?