New Brink PC Update Released

(jLn) #21

some nice changes

but is there any update when we will get a first person spectate mode, objective progress for spectators, working demo record/play and so on?

also will there be something like hltv/source tv?

(Singh400) #22

-Cheat-protected several potentially exploitable cvars

So you guys did read my PM. Here I was thinking you ignored me :smiley:

(r3fleX) #23

Great patch! Don’t get me wrong there are still many things needed like demo support but this update was a very nice reassurance that our feedback is not only listened to but also implemented. Thanks.

ahah now you will suck on our pub server without your magic h4x cvars :smiley:

(TheMattylongden) #24

:smiley: nice job on the updates!!.

just logged in for the 1st time in 3 days, it might just be me but the game feels alot more smoother now, i have constant fps, and no more spikes whenever i enter certain parts of maps. very nice.

GJ on the server revamp too, now it feels more user friendly (wouldnt say it was complete though)

1 small nag though, i like the fact that you’ve changed the latency bars to ping m/s, but i would like both, if that makes sense. having the ping overlapping the latency bars if possible.

but still, great job on the updates, hopefully this will bring people back to the game!.:penguin: :stroggbanana:

(kARDON) #25

please please please please please please please please allow us to change spawn times. PLEASE OH GOD PLEASE AND MAYBE BRINK COMPETITION WON"T DIE.

(dommafia) #26

Is end of round chat back? If not, why not? Thanks for the rest.

(BomBaKlaK) #27

any new cvar for the hud correction ? that dam crosshair pulsing and white cylce made me mad !!

(tokamak) #28

On of the most important and easiest things to fix, let that be true.

(Mustang) #29

Still no cutscene or endgame chat though

(scub) #30

would be nice to have a convar for crosshair to stop expanding (control how big it gets)…

there is a convar for crosshair but it doesnt work online…

(BomBaKlaK) #31

apparently not ! EPIC FAIL ! dam I can’t play with this crosshair like maybe 80% of your players …

(BomBaKlaK) #32

The actual crosshair sucks so much !! and we can’t change it … even with all this update …


maybe next year !

(xartion) #33

Still no first person spectating and no demo recording? Yep, I suppose you guys never intended for this game to be competitive.

(MorsTua) #34

to chat during intermissions get down consolle and type
say and whatever u wanna say

nice changes but its just 1 step …i hope

btw crosshair must be editable
plz…give us back our et syringe / packets…
fix netcode or remove headshots they are ping dependent
remove weapon spread
need pause and restart
need demo rec

and game will be a good game

(FireWorks) #35

3mins tested and its just much better! Just a little more polish and were are there :smiley:

(Ryfje) #36

When can we expect said update including weapon buffs/nerfs?

(Llamatron) #37

Yup same on nvidia, same max fps but I didn’t notice the fps drops and freezes I used to have

(dazer45) #38

Thank god you got rid of the auto lock when buffing, And the server browser and actually seeing your ping is nice!

Its a step in the right direction for sure.

(zicogja421) #39

As others have already said, this is definitely a step in the right direction. The removal of auto-lock when buffing and the improved server browser are the two improvements that impress me the most. The server browser still seems to be missing the obvious option of hiding full servers, but other than that, it seems pretty good. I think the removal of auto-lock is pretty important because it seems to be an improvement that was specifically requested by the PC community. And I’m glad to see that SD listened.

First-person spectating, better shooting characteristics, demo support, improved sound localization, and a much better player-to-player communication framework (in-game chat, post-game chat, vsays, etc.) are the some of the other highly awaited and almost universally desired improvements that I think would help to make this game a lot better and more popular. I would love to see any of those things implemented in a near-future update.

(GreasedScotsman) #40

Perhaps SD expected us to be using in game VOIP instead of chat at the end of rounds? In-game VOIP works quite well, thankfully (I still want end-of-round chatting, of course).