New Article + New Screenshots of ET:QW

(Lanz) #21

Yeah I need a bigger bucket to drool in.

(fattakin) #22

Ah man those new shots are great, im looking forward to QW more than my own wedding now!

(ParanoiD) #23

Have u got a life beside et:qw (be sure, i dont have one :tapir: )

(SniperSteve) #24

I am currently playing planetside, (MMOFPS) but I’m in the need of a good MFPS Something to fill the gap of Quake, CoD, BF2, etc…

(B0rsuk) #25

Sorry to interrupt, but I found some new screens:

(Zenix) #26

Shacknews has some of the same pics but without any logo, for whoever was asking.

(Dragzonox) #27

I was just about to ask where I could find the screens without the logos… Thx :smiley:

Don’t the site miss some screens?.. Like the one with the chopper cockpit?