Need More Alpha Testers

(RasteRayzeR) #21

I guess for now SD is happy with the number of alpha testers they have, they need some feedback but still require to make more of the game before they want more info from ECHO. Though 3 full servers the week-end should be nice (Australia, UK, USA).

Make more promotion in Australia and USA …

(hottaco) #22

I stopped because of that reason AND every patch takes the game a step down in quality and fun. Most of our complaints about map objectives and flow have been said so many times but nothing is ever done, instead they **** up kit load-outs.

(DarkangelUK) #23

When i received my one time friend invite, I specifically gave it to an NA friend in the hopes he’d beef the numbers up, he’s not been on much if at all so I’d be happy to give his access to a more willing participant (sorry dude :tongue:)

(Bangtastic) #24

i hope bighogins will be back soon^^

(Evil-Doer) #25

Marc msg me an let me know when you want to play we can put some energy into a server an see what happens bro.

(rand0m) #26

Sounds good bob. Best time for me is usually 1030 or later with the baby and work. Probably why I never really see any na players on its a tad late.

(Evil-Doer) #27

Ya my normal time to hop on later is 11pm est. so lets make something happen :slight_smile:

(rand0m) #28

Rock on man sounds good.

(prophett) #29

I should be around more in another week. Been out of town working all month :expressionless:

(Nail) #30

got injured left hand , will be moving target for experimentation if helpful

(rand0m) #31

NA PLAYERS COME PLAY! Come to USA casual lets get a game going!!

(mfzor) #32

I have to play at about 12-2am Australian time to get a game, but I find the game quite playable on 350 ping. Would be nice to have more players though…

(TacTicToe) #33

I’m on the east coast, and have yet to play a game. My 2000+ XP is just from running around empty servers and checking things out. The one time I saw some players on a EU server, I was excited. Went to get something to drink, came back a couple minutes later, server was completely empty. I was like WTF? Just the way it is. I feel like even if I get a game going, it will empty out after a couple of maps anyways. If the game plays out like ET did, then I dont even mind the small rotation of maps. Hell, most of my hours logged in ET, were spent playing on the original 6 map stock servers that used to be around. There were so many different strategies to use on the same maps, it never really got boring.

So I feel like you, spent $120 for l337 forum accesss. Woohoo! :eek: I was quite excited seeing the tutorial video of London Bridge, and thinking OMG its a Goldrush re-do! YAY!!! Then the matchmaking option appeared, and the sense of despair sank in, and my apathy returned. I just don’t understand why today’s PC game developers always seem to fall into the the console chasm, and think they need to dumb down PC games, and make them play like consoles. ARGH. Infuriating. Takes forever to repair an EV, several seconds holding down a key to pick up a container etc.

At any rate, getting off track here. I will keep checking to see if there are players on. Been passing the time lately playing Homefront and Bad Company 2. Same tired maps, but still a ton of fun.

Maybe we should have a NA friends list?

(mortis) #34

Since I am not back from work until 6:30PM, and I can’t play until the kids are in bed at 8:00, I often can’t even get online until late. I do check the NA servers, but they are usually empty. I find more time to play DB on the weekends to be honest, and usually on the Euro servers…

(INF3RN0) #35

Why not start listing steam id’s since there’s no lobby yet? I’ll start ‘alyosha18’ - if I’m available I’ll play with you.

(Patriotqube) #36

I dont know how many alpha testers there are in total.

But i know that if this game had the same feel to ppl as W:ET and ET:QW have/had then this wouldnt be an issue

WE have people on this forum that has Played W:ET since its release without breaks (I’m 1 of them), its just reached its 10 years anniversary and ppl still love it, even tho these days its filled with problems.

We need a sequel to that, not some clone of COD or BF :frowning:

Build in the features and the freedom todo what we want as we had in W:ET and this game can be the next that will stay for a decade, Game is close to it, now we just need the last.

Also the longer this game survives, the longer SD has to sell whatever small stuff they wanna sell

(sunshinefats) #37

Yes, I agree, freedom and choice are the key here. That’s what made other SD games stand out in the past and that can also make this one stand out.

(Hundopercent) #38

I’ve mentioned freedom before and was given chains (loadouts) with invisible walls (clipping). Empty servers with a 120$ alpha should be a warning to them right now. I just keep telling myself that they have a small team in hopes they will follow through with a quality product. I just feel the term PC only is a selling ploy as the game has a lot of consoleish features.

(pulley) #39

As SD will make a new gen console game on the old unreal 3 engine i bet they wonna copy most things from Dirtybomb to that title…

(BomBaKlaK) #40

yep ! feel the same …