need modelers AI mappers and a good coder

(carnage) #1

I no wolf has been long gon to ET and now doom3 is out, but i still think never got the atention it deserved from the moding comunity.

so i am looking for help to make a new mod that is mainly just a add on to rtcw.

i plan to include a new sp campian (so i need mappers who are good with AI).

i want to include lots of new models with this otherwise you walk past evrything so many times its like a scooby doo cartoon (peter kay), also if ther modeler could make skins for his own models and maby a few new map textures.

and a coder who could just help put the mod together, there will be no complex projects for him that will end up in all sorts of mess.

so basicaly its just a new campain with a new models and posibly a few need guns
and i would like some new multiplayer maps to go along with it too keep it interesting, but we are not going to touch the style of gameplay (its already perfect)

anyone interested plz post or e-mail

oh and if anyone is good at website design it would be helpfull too

(carnage) #2

comeon anyone reply plz

(Loffy) #3

Maybe you can tell them a little more about your ideas, more in detail?
To get the modders interested I mean.
// Loffy

(carnage) #4

ok loffy,

well what i want to create is like onather adventure for wolf, i thought the 1st level would be the last scen where he kicks down the wall and shoots the nazis then the camera goes to you and your already right in the middle of the action, i haven got any solid idea for the campain because i want to hear other peoples view about where it should lead, i would like to take the graphics up a step too so anyone who thinks they can make better looking models than in original rtcw i need there help.

obviously i need mappers because it would take far too long to make it all myself, and i am not very good a working the AI for the nazis so anyone who could help me with that would be greatly apreciated.

and i need a coder to help put the mod together no big projects, unless someone thinks they are up to it then a could think of things for them to do.

so any1 if you want to help of have a good idea for part of a story for the campain then plz let me no. thankx

(Salohcin) #5

Sounds good…will do some coding if you want…when i bash it into my head again :bash:…HMMMM why when you click them little dancing amsusments they stop dancing?..any way…yeah…will do some coding if you want…or mapping…but not much of a drawer

(carnage) #6

nic u fool, you dont know C++ and you have neva tried mapping as 4 drawing :???:

ur supost to be getting ray to teach us C++ :angry:

(Smilie) #7

I would be a mapper but dunno AI

(carnage) #8

cool smile, i had given up hope ov anyone ever wanting to work on a colaboration project for rtcw but ime shure we can come up with a good idea if your interested still

might no someone who would do some moddeling for us

could you post some screens of some of your previous work here of e-mail them to me at

btw AI is hard to get ur head round but when you get it its easy as pie

(Smilie) #9

ok just compiling a test map I made for RTCW ill show you soon

btw i just started RTCW mapping but ive done : ET, HL2, CSS and C&C

(carnage) #10

thats sounds like some good background, i love C&C mapping but its just do damn easy

and i get bored sifting through the list of models trying to find a sutable trash can

still there its fairly easy to make a map for rtcw but hard to make a very good one

(Smilie) #11

I added that hotmail to my msn

(carnage) #12

yeah but like i say in every thread i am rerley online, i cheack my e-mails every day but not have time for msn

if you want ot chantact me plz e-mail me

btw what happneded to the shots of the map
could you post links to your ET maps so i can have a go on them

(Terzin1) #13

smile, is mapping hard for HL2?