Hey guys
Some people asked for videos, since nobody else volunteerd, I just made them.
I apologize for the not perfect quality, 2x speeed, no sound and sometimes missing turns / ends of turns…
doing it for the first time and it ain’t that easy.
and sorry for the delay between game ending and final upload, but I got to cut them together and upload with about 4-20kb/s upload speed
Some games are from tourney (the majority of the uploads) ,I will add more as soon as I finish cutting them together
I will do a Montage of the greatest turns once it is ready.
Share the link if you want other people to see it, they are not listed (don’t know if I’ll change that)
If any player that is seen in any upload wants to be named in description OR wants me to take the vid down(althought nobody might guess against whom I am playing) please whisper me.
If you want me to play certain squads on certain maps … or simply want me to do a special video, ask for it. Might take a few weeks but I will probably do it.
Rad Underground tourney of death
Round 1:
game 1
game 2
game 3
game 4
game 5
game 6
Round 2:
game 7
game 8
game 9
game 10
Rad Cup
game 1
game 2
game 3
game 4
game 5
game 6
Video montage
Rad Soldiers Video Montage