My New Map Project +screens

(ordo) #1

I started working on my first serious map yesterday. This is the room i am currently working on. There will be doors on each side.

Any suggestions, comments etc. would be appreciated

(Zombie13) #2

Well I find its always hard to give feedback to something thats still early WIP, but I could suggest giving some trims, maybe some over head lights using a slight blue color (Torchy :wink: ) maybe some pipes going into the lava. the list could go on, but I need to see more dang it! :smiley:


(ordo) #3

Good sugestions :slight_smile:

(Zombie13) #4

hrmm looking better, could use some more colours in your lighting tbh just make it feel a bit more atmospheric, also might want to add a broken part to one of those pipes comiing from the lava spewing out lava about halfway up or something along those lines, keep it up :slight_smile:


(ordo) #5

agreed. Forgive me, im so new :frowning:

(Zombie13) #6

bah nothing to forgive, its sad of people to pick on new mappers, I’m here to help you unleash those hidden skills :wink:


(Zombie13) #7

also another good tip but you might want to attack it later on, is trying to escape the box look, as in make your walls angled, give some depth variences to your ceiling etc, that always adds some good value :slight_smile:


(ordo) #8

now, the box look needs to go and fix textures. Not sure about the pipes…

(Zombie13) #9

you need to drop the file size of your screen shots too, a 2mb jpeg is a wee bit to big :slight_smile:

Yeah I agree to many pipes, you also should add some light models/textures to show where the light sources are coming from, make it look more realistic, you could maybe add a bevel to the side of the far platform going along the walls at 90 or 45 degrees, making the ceiling with different heights is another good start :slight_smile:

if you want, you can jump on irc at on #splashdamage, I can help you as much as you need, makes it easier :smiley:
