
(pack) #1

There are a few issues with mp_rocket.

  1. When I have my server running in osp mod (maybe it’s an osp problem), that server seems to crash sometimes on mp_rocket (on random occasions, but only when allies bring back the keys).

When I try to simulate the crash, the logged error is this:

ERROR: G_Scripting: trigger has unknown name: v2_rocket

Do you have any idea what could be the cause of the crash?

  1. Bug in mp_rocket: You can let the keys disappear from the map by letting the key-carrier crush.
    (Demo: )

with regards,


(digibob) #2
  1. What version of osp are you running? If it’s a pre 1.33 version, it may well not work.

  2. This is actually a general code bug, which has since been rectified, the same can happen on any map with moving vehicles.

(pack) #3

=> osp v0.22, so based on 1.33.

Server crash usually happens when allies win, and scoreboard is shown (but not always).

If you want to have an osp + mp_rocket crash, here is what you should do:

  1. Start Wolfmp, launch osp mod
  2. Create server with mp_rocket
  3. set /g_usertimelimit 2 (or 1 if you’re fast)
  4. /reset_match.
  5. Now bring back docs while osp is still asking for ‘/ready’. After 2 minutes you will have a crash. (could not find trigger v2_rocket)

Basically, I guess you can crash any random osp server this way, if it has g_dowarmup set to 1. You just have to vote mp_rocket, then bring back docs, and then wait 12 minutes.

In my server however, g_dowarmup is set to 0, which means (in osp) that osp does not ask people for a ‘/ready’. The crash just happens, I’ve really tried hard to figure out when and how.

But then again, maybe it’s an osp problem. I really want to put mp_rocket back in my map rotation. I like the map.



<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: packman on 2002-07-02 02:06 ]</font>

(sock) #4

When the allies win the game the script section (game_manager/timelimit_hit - line 167) is run and launches the v2 rocket. The end game sequence is done in another section of the map where an entity called v2_rocket with a model2 key is waiting.

At the beginning of the map the entity (v2_rocket) activates a section of the script (Line 995-1036) and runs the spawn section which puts the rocket model in the right place and ready for launch/destruction.

When the map timelimit is hit the game_manager routine calls the “timelimit_hit” function (line 167) which then triggers the rocket entity which must of been setup previously otherwise it will error.

Maybe the v2_rocket entity is not being setup correctly or OSP is not correctly calling the game trigger (timelimit_hit) because it works fine in normal wolf modes.

3D Brush Monkey

EDIT: More thoughts

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: sock on 2002-07-03 12:52 ]</font>