I presume you are talking about ET ?
I only have knowledge about RtCW… so this is how to-do it in Wolf:
First add your new sound into the sound/voice/multi and multi_axis
folders, then add your new menu code into wm_quickmessage &
wm_quickmessageAlt menu files (in ui_mp)
An example:
itemDef {
name "window"
visible 1
rect 10 120 128 16 // This is the position in the pop_up window
forecolor 1 1 1 1
backcolor 0 0 0 0
textscale .25
text "7. New Voice Chat" // The text to be displayed
group ingamebox
execKey "7" { exec "VoiceChat mynewvoicechat"; close altwm_quickglobal } // The new vsay command
You should also edit the Alt menu with a “key” instaed of a number,
for players who use the alternate way of vchatting
Now edit the wm_allies_chat.voice & wm_axis_chat.voice files, which are
found in your scripts folder… an example:
sound/voice/multi/a-mynewvoicechat1.wav "Oh yeah a new voice chat" sprites/new_char_icon
sound/voice/multi/a-mynewvoicechat2.wav "Oh yeah a new voice chat" sprites/new_char_icon
sound/voice/multi/a-mynewvoicechat3.wav "Oh yeah a new voice chat" sprites/new_char_icon
Note you CAN add more than 1 version of the vchat, the game will pick
one at random, also note you CAN add a sprite to be displaed above the
players head when they say it too, although neither is necessary.
And thas it, I don’t think I’ve missed anything… let me know if you get it