MOD in progress

(reaply) #21

Indy, I will be as honnest as I can with you. I’m tired of people always saying REALISM for games just because Call of Duty has “realism” (not really but this is Splash Damage forum so I will not talk about Call of Duty) I would rather have a fun 8 bit version of Wolfenstein, than a super “realistic” game. ET, is as real as it’s going to get with East Front, I already tried the mod. It’s good, it’s realistic. But has so many bugs. Just my feelings. /rant :stuck_out_tongue: :eek: :armadillochase:

(Pegazus) #22

If anyone wants a successful mod they should avoid Call of Duty at all costs! Besides modern warfare is utterly boring (and I don’t mean Call of Duty, all those series that muck it too). Rocketing someone with a sattelite net from sky is not fun!

This mod should still be set into World War 2 era. It’s still Wolfenstein we are talking about, don’t change something that is not needed… If you want Modern Warfare go play that :slight_smile:

(reaply) #23

[QUOTE=Pegazus;228164]If anyone wants a successful mod they should avoid Call of Duty at all costs! Besides modern warfare is utterly boring (and I don’t mean Call of Duty, all those series that muck it too). Rocketing someone with a sattelite net from sky is not fun!

This mod should still be set into World War 2 era. It’s still Wolfenstein we are talking about, don’t change something that is not needed… If you want Modern Warfare go play that :)[/QUOTE]


So, a small idea would be to do a new whole new graphic look I guess. But, we need a new kind for ET. CELL SHADING! :smiley:

(stealth6) #24


So, a small idea would be to do a new whole new graphic look I guess. But, we need a new kind for ET. CELL SHADING! :D[/QUOTE]

Anyway, people don’t really know what they want.
That’s the whole reason advertisements etc exist.

Probably if you were to build a graphical update of ET with modern weapons only a handful of players would come back to ET.

atm I am trying some new games, like MW2 and BFBC2 in the beginning the absolutely suck, but you can’t compare thousands of hours of ET to a few hours on MW2 so I keep playing them.
After a while they become more fun as you get better and when you play with friends they are quite enjoyable.

lol, for instance on BFBC2 I get into a helicopter and wait for my friends to get in (fyi I can’t steer a helicopter :D) We take off and after some dodgy flying crash 100 meters further :smiley: laughing on TS etc… it’s great fun.
But you have to give it a chance,…

I can admit that there really hasn’t been a good hardcore game in quite some time, but hopefully BRINK will change that… we’ll see.:rolleyes:

also if you are looking for a modern game that is kind of like ET, then I would suggest BFBC2, lots of new features etc, and if I were to think how ET would change then it would be something like this. Maybe a little less realism and different weapons, but times change. You can’t live in the past.

(-SSF-Sage) #25

Hehe shag. Too bad that in a week I’m going to lapland. And will stay there for a month. :tongue:

(Shownie) #26

[QUOTE=dutchman;228141]Shownie, you want to start from scratch ?
I mean, start from the beginning or are you gonna use etpub as base (wich i would recommend…).[/QUOTE]

We are making the mod from the ET_SDK from SplashDamage. We are NOT going to base it on some other opensource mod like ETPub or NQ. What we can do is to use codes from them like the, xpsave. And later edit it by ourself. This mod is going to be a new MOD, not an extended version of other mods.

We are trying to add cool stuff into the MOD without changing the game or the gameplay.
Realism is not consider in this MOD. ET is about fun and teamwork, not Realistic features.

We want to keep it small size, so no new weapons will be added (for now).
The hitboxes have been changed to ETPro like, but time will tell how they look like in the final :slight_smile:

Thanks for keeping giving your ideas and opinions :slight_smile:

(stealth6) #27

imo, it’s more fun to have jaymod like hitboxes.
a little larger then usual, this gives less skilled players more fun, and it just feels easier.

(IndyJones) #28

i didn’t even use ‘realistic’ word in my post :slight_smile:

i want modern warfare simply because you could play it with any envivorment of map - supermarket, underground garage, logistic companies… simply anywhere. with world war 2 we are limited to historic combats and ww2 styled cities. anything diffrent doesn’t feel right (ie the map where we feel that we are very small - i forgot the name).

modern warfare 2 is fun, but it’s completly diffrent so u can’t really compare et and mw2. nowadays most et players play it like a competition - jumping like crazy, running everywhere. in mw2 there is no such problem, and in most cases the proper way to survive is acting like u were really in fight, plan ur steps correctly etc. hardcore mode is really awesome, the map design is beautifull, killstreak rewards are nice… it’s a very good game after all. it’s way much more succesfull than new wolfenstein for a reason.

i have to go out now, but making long story short: i’d love to see a enhanced q3 engine (there is a lot of them) with et-classbased gameplay, set in modern warfare world (modern warfare is not just a name of game!).

(Cambodunum) #29

i want modern warfare simply because you could play it with any envivorment of map

… already in progress xD

… sry for jumping on that threat :slight_smile:

greetz Cambo

(Shownie) #30

Looks good Cambo! How many modern weapons have you add?
Last I checked I saw you have halted the project, still in progress or are these old pictures?

Ok, back to the MOD of this topic :smiley:

I can inform that we have created a new HUD
A new HUD will maybe be done, everything is just beta test now :slight_smile:

(Scennative) #31

Looks good, but dont forget: Many player like the old Hud. You must make a cvar to change the hud

(Cambodunum) #32

… attention: offtopic
… yup officially its still halted, cuz im annoyed of question about the current status
… havent touched it for nearly 2 months, but since one week im working on it again
… first playable version contained 17 new weapons, but it was too much
… so i have to reduce the amount of weapons - biggest problem:
… there are already about 10 new weapons on top :frowning:

… btw hud looks good :smiley:

(nukits) #33

Cool skins and models Cambo ^^
But hud is nicely done

(Scennative) #34

PS: My HUD: xD

(stealth6) #35

I have a cool idea for the HUD, a minature version of the weapon you are holding floating under 45 degrees spinning, in the HUD that would be cool.

(shagileo) #36

Also, maybe adding bullet rounds

Every time you shoot, a bullet in the hud goes away, until you reload.
So , something like the visualization of an ammo/bullet clip of a weapon

(Shownie) #37

And btw “your” HUD is half copied from EastFront :rolleyes:

@ Shagileo: That idea of yours is already in my plan for the next HUD :slight_smile:

@ Stealth: I am not sure what you mean :frowning: maybe you can try explain little bit more exact? :slight_smile:

(UJERebel) #38

I think he means that you have a 3D preview from your weapon in your hud, cih turns for 45° degrees…

(B0RG) #39

Already tested here. The problems we meet are there are weapons that dont look good, there are diferent sizes, lengths,… so dificult to apply the right rotation angle and point. Thats why right now that feature is in our warehouse cause we have more important features to fix and apply to the mod.

Nah, I just let you know the troubles we found. Good luck if youre gonna try :wink:


(Shownie) #40

Ah I see :smiley:

I think I leave that to you B0RG :slight_smile: