mod idea

(drover700) #1

I have a RtCW mod idea.
its teachers(axis) against students(allies)
the ranks are:

i dont know yet(engineers)
Principals(Lutenant[shutup, i cant spell]

I dont know yet(Engineers)
Med Students(Medics)
Honor Students(Lutenants[theres an “i” isnt there)

i guess the teachers would be pretty young and the students would be 20s or so.
guns would be the same, but like modern name and look.

it would obviously be multi player
is this a good mod?
does anyone want to work on this mod (i have no clue how to make mods. if i did it, it would be rated of 0 or .01 or somethin)

(kamikazee) #2

Well, I think I’d rather spend my time modding ET then RTCW as I don’t play RTCW not that often anymore. Maybe that’s why people didn’t answer yet.

Allso, whilst the idea has some appeal to it, it looks too much “forced” to fit. And students grabbing weapons to take on teachers who have weapons of their own?
We’re allready seeing this in some schools where a student does something seriously stupid by bringing a gun to school, why make a mod out of it? :confused:

(carnage) #3

We’re allready seeing this in some schools where a student does something seriously stupid by bringing a gun to school, why make a mod out of it?

i think thats taking the idea a bit futher then it was intended to go

but i agree on the fact that the idea seems forced to fit around the rtcw/ET character classes. WW mod did this sucesfuly but it would be good to see maby the classes and abilites re though. maby even giving the player the ability to customize there student giving abilites in differnt areas like maths/sport/ICT/chemistary each area makes them more effect at sertain things so there isnt the clear class divide like in rtcw

it could make a realy interesting mod, especialy if bough to more mele style combat in a slpstic sort of apearance and utuilize all the classic schoolboy weapons… slingshots, stinkbombs, wooden swords… teachers cane… test tube bombs, eggs

could make for cool fun objectives too… steal the exam paper to get the ansers. rescue a hostage from the detention room… land 10 eggs on the head teacher front door

(Jaquboss) #4

do a beavis-butthead mod…

(jmnzcom) #5

mhhh it needs some tweaks