misc_portal_surface mirror and fogvars

(pazur) #1

i`ve posted this on tram and on a german forum… maybe someone here had this problem also and can help me a bit with this.

in misc_portal_surface mirrors i see the only the fog from the fogvars in the skyshader :disgust: when i take out the fogvars from the skyshader the mirror works fine


	q3map_backsplash 0 0
	surfaceparm nodlight

	qer_editorimage textures/skies/sky_m01dmcmp.tga
	surfaceparm noimpact
	surfaceparm nolightmap
	surfaceparm sky
	q3map_lightsubdivide 1024
	q3map_sun	0.274632 0.274632 0.358662 25 325 35
	q3map_surfacelight 120
	skyparms full 200 -
	fogvars ( .26 .26 .31 ) 3050

		map textures/skies/sky_m01dmcmp.tga
		blendfunc GL_ONE GL_ONE
		tcMod scale 12.0 12.0