Meshy bridge

(tokuMi) #1

Can anyone tell me how to create this? Its going to be a bridge between two platforms. I want it to be like ‘meshy’. So you can shoot through it and see through all the little holes. Does that make sense?

(KeMoN) #2

What kind of bridge are you talking about? A rope bridge?
You could for example use a texture with alpha-channel so you have some holes where you can see through and then make it permeable to bullets, etc via shader. Another option would be to create the bridge out of many single brushes with holes or gaps inbetween and then convert it to e.g. an .ase model and use bullet-permeable clipping to clip the model.

That’s what I can think of right now. I hope I could help you a bit although I’m not quite sure if that was what you are looking for.
If you have questions to that just post them again or write me a PM.

Ah and by the way, welcome to the forums.

Regards KeMoN

(tokuMi) #3

[QUOTE=KeMoN;385488]What kind of bridge are you talking about? A rope bridge?
You could for example use a texture with alpha-channel so you have some holes where you can see through and then make it permeable to bullets, etc via shader. Another option would be to create the bridge out of many single brushes with holes or gaps inbetween and then convert it to e.g. an .ase model and use bullet-permeable clipping to clip the model.

That’s what I can think of right now. I hope I could help you a bit although I’m not quite sure if that was what you are looking for.
If you have questions to that just post them again or write me a PM.

Ah and by the way, welcome to the forums.

Regards KeMoN[/QUOTE]

Thank you. Here is a screenshot of exactly what I’m talking about. I guess the fact that I will be using it for a bridge is irrelevant. I want a different look than what is shown but I need those same properties of being able to walk on it and shoot through it. If the answer is shaders, I have no idea how to apply a shader in radiant.


(This screenshot was taken from the map Dredwerkz)

(tokuMi) #4

This has been resolved, thanks.

(hamza123) #5

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