MercServ Melee Mayhem

(Steve_Harvey) #1

I think this is how Dirty Bomb should do its events, some pretty cool stuff, but even better, there are free items just for checking it out. If dirty bomb were to reward more and more like this, I’d see people coming back to claim some stuff, and maybe get hooked. If Splash Damage does more ‘get free stuff for playing’ events for the 1.0 release, people would stay, probably.

Also, show off your skins here! (I bought the Golden Pristine Katana, so nice.)

(Gire) #2

The thing that got me and mya friends playing again was that you could buy with credits cosmetics

(Press E) #3

I agree. Events are supposed to be a celebration, not something like this where bronze cards were half off, but only if you buy them with real money.
Dropping a few free cards or spending half an hour modeling a small trinket are worth it when you consider there aren’t a lot of players who’ll pass up only having to log in to get free stuff. And well, you’re a lot more likely to play a game when DB is open than when it’s not, lol.

My favourite events so far have probably been the interactive ones though. They’re like, the only time SD actually listens to the community lol.
But playing a match to make sure vassili doesn’t get a special card is so much more satisfying than grinding to get a special card.

If SD combined interactive events with free login items, that would be perfect

(HadronZodiac) #4

Imo i agree, however the melee skins are overpriced. Things like knives have such little surface area, and the way the beckhill is held, the only thing colored is the shaft and the blade looks like its non-skin counterpart. Tbh my main concern is the cost of cobalts…

(Press E) #5

@HadronZodiac said:
Imo i agree, however the melee skins are overpriced. Things like knives have such little surface area, and the way the beckhill is held, the only thing colored is the shaft and the blade looks like its non-skin counterpart. Tbh my main concern is the cost of cobalts…

I’m pretty sure the main purpose of this event is to get veterans with a million credits to spend them, so everyone is on more of an even playing field when DB enters 1.0 release, so it makes sense they’d be expensive. The devs have described it as “a good way for you to spend your credit stockpile” too many times for me to think otherwise, lol.

Everything in DB is overpriced though tbh. Shouldn’t expect much else.

(HadronZodiac) #6


@HadronZodiac said:
Imo i agree, however the melee skins are overpriced. Things like knives have such little surface area, and the way the beckhill is held, the only thing colored is the shaft and the blade looks like its non-skin counterpart. Tbh my main concern is the cost of cobalts…

I’m pretty sure the main purpose of this event is to get veterans with a million credits to spend them, so everyone is on more of an even playing field when DB enters 1.0 release, so it makes sense they’d be expensive. The devs have described it as “a good way for you to spend your credit stockpile” too many times for me to think otherwise, lol.

Everything in DB is overpriced though tbh. Shouldn’t expect much else.

Well that isnt fair since my first 20lvl account lost its data (blame the devs) so… i want free skins