Name: Davis Barker
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Nationality: American
Class: Engineer
Primary Weapons: Hollunds 800, Kek-10, Annhuld
Secondary weapons: Selbstadt, DE 50, MP400
Melee: Cricket bat, beckhill combat knife, kukri
Backstabber grenade:-
This grenade when thrown hacks into nearby deployables when it explodes and temporarily turns enemy deployables into friendly deployables and turns against enemies (duration is 7 secs and cooldown is 40 secs). The grenade can affect sticky bombs, shields, proxy mines, turrets, health stations and even recon devices like the snitch and heartbeat sensor. (does not affect redeye’s IR goggles as they’re not a deployable and also doesnt apply to ammo stations as you can already pick up ammo even if it is an enemy one)