Merc Feedback: Redeye

(Glottis-3D) #21

OP in close, bkoz of body spam

(BomBaKlaK) #22

Same for Arty

(PixelTwitch) #23

Biggest issue with Redeye is simple really…
Having one on your team sucks…

Most often you will have smoke blocking your view, your objectives and chokes.
I find having a Redeye on Defence is actually a disadvantage to your whole teams ability.

(Glottis-3D) #24

[QUOTE=PixelTwitch;510566]Biggest issue with Redeye is simple really…
Having one on your team sucks…

Most often you will have smoke blocking your view, your objectives and chokes.
I find having a Redeye on Defence is actually a disadvantage to your whole teams ability.[/QUOTE]
smoke realy is annoying.

(Anti) #25

I agree his smoke can be annoying at times in public play but I really don’t think that’d be a reason to remove or change it. I think he’s a Merc that will come into his own in ranked/competitive play, where a team makes a push (or fakes a push) based on a well placed smoke that was pre-designed/called or for defuses.

(Violator) #26

Smoke should only hinder enemy view imho. The CQC body-spam thing is a bigger issue, feels quite cheap to get kills this way.

(Mustang) #27

There is still a bug that you can’t interact(/repair/defuse/etc.) in smoke.

(INF3RN0) #28

He also has a bug that breaks his ability to sprint. Not sure what causes it, but you have to swap weapons to enable sprinting again.

(Glottis-3D) #29

this merc reminds me of the oldguy from Left4dead

(tokamak) #30

That’s too powerful but you’re on to something.

The synergy between the smoke and the eye need to be encouraged more. And here’s how you do it:

For every opponent scouted within the smoke area, Red-Eye will have his heat vision energy bar replenished (either full or partial reset, down to further balancing).

What this does is that even a selfish Red-Eye player will constantly be throwing smoke AND scouting players out so that he gets to use his heat vision more often. It’s merit-based resources. In this way players will be positively rewarded to let their smoke be used collectively useful and go through greater lengths not to make it a nuisance for the rest of their team.

(BomBaKlaK) #31

Smoke is needed ! this one of the rare tactical tool

(INF3RN0) #32

[QUOTE=tokamak;510706]That’s too powerful but you’re on to something.

The synergy between the smoke and the eye need to be encouraged more. And here’s how you do it:

Everytime redeye tags an enemy with a bullet, I think it should mark the enemy for friendlies like vasilli’s sensor does. Probably not permanently, but for 4-6s.

(BomBaKlaK) #33

enough wall hack !

(INF3RN0) #34

Smoke is a wall now? Also medics have health hack. FOPS have ammo hack. Mine hack. Turret hack. etc etc etc. I don’t get how radar is more upsetting than the rest of the stuff in the game… I’d rather have the radar blip in and out rather than being constant myself, but for this particular mention of it I was only saying that you get tagged for a few seconds if redeye shoots you.

(tokamak) #35

Yeah I like that.

And I’m done with this wall-hack sullying, it takes a considerable investment and insight to pinpoint players like this. It’s one of the few meaningful ways a team can communicate and work together in an entirely non-lethal way. We need more stuff like this, not less.

Why is it that I hear people constantly whining about this while somehow everybody is fine with frigging health bars over the opponent’s head when we fire at them? What’s up with that?

(INF3RN0) #36

It’s called impulsive feedback. Radar=auto aim. Self healing medics=skill. Someone with high ping=lag advantage. Killing someone with X class=OP. It’s hypocritical nonsense 80% of the time based on player performance. Too many pro gamers trying to hold on to titles. Sometimes there are means to improve the less appealing mechanics (like blipping radar for ex.), but people will always blame the game as much as possible before admitting defeat.

(BomBaKlaK) #37

100% agree with this point of view, I just dont really like the mechanic that’s all.

(tokamak) #38

It shouldn’t be easily done or frivolously used. But in my books, being detected already means you’re halfway dead. Getting caught in a HB sensor might as well have been a mine, being scouted by Red Eye might as well have been a carefully landed sniper headshot.

And sure, hunting a market player down is easy, but that’s the point. That player is already supposed to be done for. The only thing that left is a desperate struggle to survive.

If you mean that it’s humiliating to die in this way then fair enough. But it’s definitely not a cheap trick that allows players to freely trump others in a fight.

I mainly like it because this is a communication weapon. The only one we have in DB and we need many more of them.

What we could be seeing for instance are decoy grenades. Grenades that scatter these orange dots, making the opponents believe their covert has scouted team mates for them.

(INF3RN0) #39


What we could be seeing for instance are decoy grenades. Grenades that scatter these orange dots, making the opponents believe their covert has scouted team mates for them.[/QUOTE]

Referring back to my counter ability posts- all of the issues with these sorts of mechanics get negated if there’s potential means to counter them or at least render them less effective in given moments. The real turn off I think is that people feel helpless against abilities.

(tokamak) #40

Yeah. Imagine the power of a ‘HB jammer’ augmentation. Passively being immune to all sensors. Highly situational and you’d sacrifice a more widely applicable ability. But once that augmentation is there you can completely mess up the enemy by jumping in ‘scouted’ areas and being nearly invisible due to the selected vision players have when they think they’re only seeing scouted players.

That’s how Raven Shield worked. Good times.