End of turn 2
And ps, you can now knock a guy on a mine! Unfortunately though, a mine knock back doesn’t trigger the next one, or it would be like a room full of mousetraps!
End of turn 2
And ps, you can now knock a guy on a mine! Unfortunately though, a mine knock back doesn’t trigger the next one, or it would be like a room full of mousetraps!
I hope this doesn’t trigger a massive surge in Megan usage, or i foresee way too many mines being deployed in a similar fashion by way too many people. Without or even with an engineer, it would take way too much effort to clear or destroy and will be a massive delay to any opponents that starts the game second. If an engineer is present it would also take multiple reveal unless detecto-sweep is within abilities selected. Lets also not forget if detecto-sweep happens to be deployed ON the mine itself, the mine will detonate and possibly destroy the detecto-sweep beacon.
Now that Megan has receive quite a buff, i can tell it would be subjected to such abuse…
I don’t see the abuse as a bad thing. She was underwhelming before. Now she’ll get some regular use.
Oh, I’m not complaining, I’ve spent the last three weeks grinding four of them! I am very close to a fifth:)
Oh, and they aren’t cheap, so if you want to do this you better start lining up matches or support the developers financially…that will keep out the riff raff, don’t worry coup;)
Five it is:)
Sorry I broke your Game, coup, on the first day:(. They are as you note in your little blog tricky to play and easy to kill…even the game here came down to toon on toon in the rocket area. I could tell you how to beat me easily, but I’m sure you and your little brother will figure it out over time:)
Lets just say after seeing the horror you had put your opponents thru, it is not the kind of warm sandy beaches with little straw hats that i am looking forward to… It IS extremely hard to counter that MANY mines…
Oh you cheezy multiple mine deploying thinking that you have the upper hand. But be warned, there IS a way to exploit the mines due to the way it currently works. Few people have thought of it, but when you encounter it you will get my drift…
Exploit the mines you say? How it currently works you say?
Hmmm, you’ve struck my fancy Coup.
I would hate to see meagan be taken to the way it was before, although there is a way to bet of thouse mine, what I would do is simple deploy Madame’s droid across the mines and next to a meagan you would recive all the damage
Yes, Kin, seen it, sucks for me. Mines behave way better, but they still go to odd squares with multiple mines/victims.
That was my point in tweaking coup de ville a little, there is always a counter! That and a very late night session:)
Is it still to early to make lady Di/landmine jokes? She’s going to have to die agan to afford all the new limbs you guys are going to need…ohhhhh, no he didn’t!!!
Ps what OP that keeps me up is 4 Angela with spray n prays…it is true the heal comes before dot and can resurrect-- the Lazarus ladies of lame.
Yes the heal WILL come 1st…this was the case before patch and i think it wasnt changed…