i release my map syphonfilter beta 1,post bugs/etc to make a new version
1999 Erich Rhoemer an international german terrorist has a plantation in costa rica where we tought grow drugs ,he win from the plants to produce a virus called syphonfilter a bioweapon that one can program on a genetic level to target specific groups of people,he claims the whitehouse to tranfer 100 million dollar on his account or he start a missile on washington where we believe 100.000 people die from the missile attack,we located Erich in a old soviet base in kazahkhstan rozovka our spy sattelite have pinpoint the exact location,the agency send their best agents to stop the missile and steal syphonfilter files to investigate it
// scenario information
wm_mapdescription axis “1999 we claim the whitehouse to transfer 100 million dollar on our account or we start a missile on washington.”
wm_mapdescription allied “1999 the Black Baton terrorist claims to start a missile on washington with a virus called syphonfilter,the agency send us best agents to stop the missile.”
wm_mapdescription neutral “1999 Erich Rhoemer an international german terrorist is the leader of the Black Baton terrorist,Erichs evil scientists develop a virus called syphonfilter a bioweapon,Erich claims the whitehouse to transfer 100 million dollar on his account or he start a missile on washington,we located Erich in a old soviet base in kazahkhstan rozovka our spy sattelite have pinpoint the exact location,the agency send their best agents to stop the missile.”
// Axis Objective Descriptions
wm_objective_axis_desc 1 “Objective:Prevent to Destroy the entrance woodfence to the lower base."
wm_objective_axis_desc 2 “Objective:Prevent that the allies capture the flag."
wm_objective_axis_desc 3 "ObjectivePrevent to Destroy the R9 Devyatka.”
wm_objective_axis_desc 4 "Secondary ObjectivePrevent to Destroy the server there are the backup files.”
wm_objective_axis_desc 5 “ObjectivePrevent to Steal laboratory key to open the lab."
wm_objective_axis_desc 6 "ObjectivePrevent to Steal the syphonfilter documents.”
// Allied Objective Descriptions
wm_objective_allied_desc 1 “Objective:**Destroy the entrance woodfence to the lower base.”
wm_objective_allied_desc 2 “Objective:**Capture the flag.”
wm_objective_allied_desc 3 “Objective:**Destroy the R9 Devyatka.”
wm_objective_allied_desc 4 “Secondary Objective:**Destroy the server the syphonfilter files are so they have no backup of the files.”
wm_objective_allied_desc 5 “Objective:**Steal the laboratory key and open the lab.”
wm_objective_allied_desc 6 “Objective:**Steal the syphonfilter documents at the labor to investigate it,bring it at the start of the base in a truck and steal it.”