Layout first stage in SketchUp:
Second stage is yet to be decided. Most of this is already mapped and accessible in the repo in Git. Note this is not even pre-alpha, so it can change during development again. The 2nd stage i imagine to be on the left side.
Overall theme will be: german city, summer, tank, truck, bank, steal gold, escape, gate.
In other words: allies will first try to steal the tank (main battle of 1st stage). Then they escort it to the 2nd stage, where the bank is located (this is indicated by the lines pointing from the tank on some road (this road can change of course). It leads to the left side, where the 2nd stage is going to take place, which is to blow up the bank doors (goldrush style), steal the gold and bring it to the truck in 1st stage (long ‘doc run’ travel time through contested area!). Once loaded in the truck, the truck is to be escorted across the escape road through a gate, which axis can pull down, and allies can pull up with a lever mechanism. This should be interesting. I also plan to make CPs enabling a further spawnpoints and probably will add a few mini constructibles to block paths.
The 2nd stage is not blocked out yet, not even the design. Someone with a lot of creativity can try to make the second stage, or even draw it out and post a pic here. I would be quite happy for inspiration. So far the buildings are having good enough depth to look beautiful even without textures. Depth is enough. Also the church will be accessible and there will be alot of alternate paths, but i will take care that they will not end up to be too cheesy (you know, cheese and holes and stuff, too much holes, and not much cheese left :D).
No real pics yet so far, although i could make some. I just want to get through a proper texture phase and have the whole 1st stage blocked out first to really show something off. I think it will be a decent quality when textured. As said, i switched from winter theme to summer theme. The pics on first post show the winter theme. Maybe i will switch this up again, but i more feel like summer currently.
Any suggestions, of course welcome.