[MAP] Old City Rush

(acQu) #1


well, may you do good and/or evil with this. Hereby i release my (yet unfinished) map “Old City Rush” into the wild. I worked on this pretty much this whole year, starting from about christmas last year, occasionally worked on it on some weekends just for fun. But unfortunately i feel that i will never finish it, and hereby hope you find, in any way, use of it. (Of course it would make me happy when some team or some kind can finish it :-])

I planned to let this map be some kind of tank escort, down to either a place where you can steal gold, or to some kind of ship, where you can steal ammo prototypes.

Download map file (caulked): http://www.megaupload.com/?d=P4U2RBU0

May this be inspirational and/or fun to whoever picks this up and keeps on working on it, or takes prefabs to use in his own project.

Good luck :slight_smile:

(phisherman) #2

I really hope someone will find the time to finish this map. Thanks for sharing anyway. [noparse]:)[/noparse]

//I’ve made bad experiences with one-click-hosters over the years. That’s why I attach your mapfile to my post so it will not fall victim to some 90-days-no-download-equals-byebye-limit. Please rename the first file to “ocr.7z.001” and the second to “ocr.7z.002” and extract them using 7zip.

(acQu) #3

Reving this :wink: It is now available on git: https://github.com/acqu/grumpy-town

If you want to help, jut install git and push commits. Currently in blockout phase.

And by the way phiserman. You saved my ass with that! I had a backup somewhere, but deleted it and forgot that the map was in there.

Hoping to finish it some time soon :slight_smile:

(acQu) #4

So i am blocking out the first stage now, that means i just place basic structure. The blocking phase is imo the hardest phase, if that is done right, the map should be a nice refresh in ET scene. The only problem is time. This can be done in about a year to two (i plan to finish it, maybe when i have more time i can do it in one chunck, let’s say a month, but right now i need to spend most of my energy elsewhere) or it can be done a bit faster.

Basically just restructured the map for now and the first stage is about 50% blocked out. I need someone really creative who can do the 2nd stage, with the bank, lots of german old city cafes and stuff, and cellars. Hoping someone who can do at least the quality as i can do finds it worthy working with me on this. You can go check it out. This will be my last attempt though in trying to get a helping hand.

Why did i revive this? Because i think it got potential and i also think ET could use another good custom map. Hm … yeah, and because i think it is still fun to map for ET.

Shoot me a PM if interested. Could use alot of helping hands as said :slight_smile:

(acQu) #5

Layout first stage in SketchUp:

Second stage is yet to be decided. Most of this is already mapped and accessible in the repo in Git. Note this is not even pre-alpha, so it can change during development again. The 2nd stage i imagine to be on the left side.

Overall theme will be: german city, summer, tank, truck, bank, steal gold, escape, gate.

In other words: allies will first try to steal the tank (main battle of 1st stage). Then they escort it to the 2nd stage, where the bank is located (this is indicated by the lines pointing from the tank on some road (this road can change of course). It leads to the left side, where the 2nd stage is going to take place, which is to blow up the bank doors (goldrush style), steal the gold and bring it to the truck in 1st stage (long ‘doc run’ travel time through contested area!). Once loaded in the truck, the truck is to be escorted across the escape road through a gate, which axis can pull down, and allies can pull up with a lever mechanism. This should be interesting. I also plan to make CPs enabling a further spawnpoints and probably will add a few mini constructibles to block paths.

The 2nd stage is not blocked out yet, not even the design. Someone with a lot of creativity can try to make the second stage, or even draw it out and post a pic here. I would be quite happy for inspiration. So far the buildings are having good enough depth to look beautiful even without textures. Depth is enough. Also the church will be accessible and there will be alot of alternate paths, but i will take care that they will not end up to be too cheesy (you know, cheese and holes and stuff, too much holes, and not much cheese left :D).

No real pics yet so far, although i could make some. I just want to get through a proper texture phase and have the whole 1st stage blocked out first to really show something off. I think it will be a decent quality when textured. As said, i switched from winter theme to summer theme. The pics on first post show the winter theme. Maybe i will switch this up again, but i more feel like summer currently.

Any suggestions, of course welcome.

(Mateos) #6

It’s hard to see stuff with everything as notex :stuck_out_tongue: You could use caulk, it would be already that done :slight_smile:

Some pillars are extended through the ground, you may keep them at ground level?

I like the brushwork for light pillars and roofs :slight_smile:

Good luck with it!

(acQu) #7

Thanks. Keep in mind it is just block out. Nearly everything will be chopped off in a later stage :slight_smile:

(stealth6) #8

Some criticism:

  • Since the map looks a lot like Goldrush I think the allied spawn for the second stage is to far forward. If the spawns switch when you steal the tank then the defenders will have to fall back a lot and it’s going to be a mess, and the attackers basically get 100 meters for free. If the spawn doesn’t switch straight away then it’ll be pretty hard for the attackers to get the tank down that first part past the church.

Therefore I suggest moving the spawn into the church or into the corner (like Bremen)

  • Seems like lots of buildings you can get inside. I think the more popular maps limit the amount of access to the insides for a reason (streamlines gameplay + FPS boost)

  • I’d love to see a more ‘badass’ tank :tongue: . It always kinda bothered me why all the tanks had to drive to a fixed position first instead of just firing at the first opportunity they have. For instance make the tank shoot and drive at the same time. Or just let the tank shoot as soon as it has the bank doors in it’s crosshair. Or let it shoot once, miss and then shoot again while moving.

I might take a look at this, would be a refreshing project since most of the time I help out on the trickjumping scene. Unfortunately I’m pretty busy lately, so I can’t promise anything.

EDIT: Almost forgot to mention you should have a shorter route through a contested area and a safer longer route back to the truck. Not a long contested area. :smiley:

EDIT2: Also just remember to mention that 2 CP’s seems a little much. Shouldn’t it be a battle for the strategic resource? Rather than both getting what they want.

(acQu) #9

You are right about spawn and CP placement. Other points as well. I think we just have to wait and see. These locations are surely not final and its too early to speculate. I work by intuation mostly and plan to implement the spawns when i can evaluate distances, and that is impossible currently because so much sizes and distances will change.

About paths: yes, i have that streamline thingy in mind. About amount of CPs: two are perfectly fine. Depends where you place them. I plan with two at least. I want one Axis one for enabling a 2nd spawn after the tank is stolen, and an allied one which will function normal, that means without enabling spawnpoint.

Am a little busy next weeks. So it might become quiet for some time. Am glad for the help you guys offer, i already rage quitted this map once :smiley:

EDIT someone told me i should make the street a bit wider. I feel if i make the street a bit wider now, the middle area will be slightly too big. I understand the point that it may be too easy for Axis to hold that area, if the street will be too ‘corridory’ :D, but then i think the middle area will be way too big and i have to add probably alot more mesh, depends on where i widen the street. Thoughts?

EDIT2 also, yes, there will be heights. I heard it will look too uninteresting if there will be no elevation. I plan to address that. The 2nd stage will surely be a bit lower. Maybe also the way from Allied 1st spawn to the placa in front of church will be a bit lower. For now i just map on one height though, seems easier for me to have it mapped out like that once and then adjust height.

(Mateos) #10

About EDIT: Artillery is you friend in that case :stuck_out_tongue: Also, smoke and obstacles to hide and advance are cool :slight_smile:

About EDIT2: I (almost) hate Gold Rush GA because some people get on top of buildings, and you can’t focus on objectives because you keep looking at top >.> Maybe because I’m too much used to obj gameplay and not fraggy medics showing up, firing and hiding to self-heal pleasures…

Like Bremen would be cool. This height for windows and balconies, also used on regular Gold Rush, seems balanced :slight_smile: