Map idea: "Train Rush"

(Drophys) #1

The map are two trains in moviment the attacker team start at the end of the one of those train to rescue the intel while the defender team is in the first car of the other train protecting. You can go on the roof of the train and the sides, you die if you fall of the train, i was thinking on two trains parallel to each other, to make more interesting, defenders can set explosives to disable bridges between trains, the attacker team that get the intel must carry to the end of the train to the rescue helicopter. To make easier to devs it could be made in the desert so less stuff to render
what you guys think? Lets make it interesting. (sorry for my english)

(Press E) #2

Seems pretty cramped for DB, even with two trains together. Not a lot of opportunity to really flank all that much.
I think the concept might work better on a damaged boat or something. Fall off and you still die, but at least there’s more room to do something. The ocean is also easier to render moving, but it wouldn’t have to be moving anyways really.

(Drophys) #3

Seems pretty cramped for DB, even with two trains together. Not a lot of opportunity to really flank all that much.
I think the concept might work better on a damaged boat or something. Fall off and you still die, but at least there’s more room to do something. The ocean is also easier to render moving, but it wouldn’t have to be moving anyways really.

ow cmon just like that cheezy action movies jumping from one train to other, the lack of space will increase the tension and the fun

(Splicerrr) #4

@Drophys said:

Seems pretty cramped for DB, even with two trains together. Not a lot of opportunity to really flank all that much.
I think the concept might work better on a damaged boat or something. Fall off and you still die, but at least there’s more room to do something. The ocean is also easier to render moving, but it wouldn’t have to be moving anyways really.

ow cmon just like that cheezy action movies jumping from one train to other, the lack of space will increase the tension and the fun

Yeah, until someone whips out an explosive and gets a multikill in a cramped space.

(Drophys) #5

@Splicerrr said:

@Drophys said:

Seems pretty cramped for DB, even with two trains together. Not a lot of opportunity to really flank all that much.
I think the concept might work better on a damaged boat or something. Fall off and you still die, but at least there’s more room to do something. The ocean is also easier to render moving, but it wouldn’t have to be moving anyways really.

ow cmon just like that cheezy action movies jumping from one train to other, the lack of space will increase the tension and the fun

Yeah, until someone whips out an explosive and gets a multikill in a cramped space.

Yeah, like you couldnt do it in normal maps

(Splicerrr) #6

@Drophys said:

@Splicerrr said:

@Drophys said:

Seems pretty cramped for DB, even with two trains together. Not a lot of opportunity to really flank all that much.
I think the concept might work better on a damaged boat or something. Fall off and you still die, but at least there’s more room to do something. The ocean is also easier to render moving, but it wouldn’t have to be moving anyways really.

ow cmon just like that cheezy action movies jumping from one train to other, the lack of space will increase the tension and the fun

Yeah, until someone whips out an explosive and gets a multikill in a cramped space.

Yeah, like you couldnt do it in normal maps

DB Maps are more open spaced and more freedom to move around, yes there are specific spots that are vulnerable to big radiuis blasts. But a map in a train, is a constant cramped space with no room to walljump/or dodge explosives.

(Drophys) #7

@Splicerrr said:

@Drophys said:

@Splicerrr said:

@Drophys said:

Seems pretty cramped for DB, even with two trains together. Not a lot of opportunity to really flank all that much.
I think the concept might work better on a damaged boat or something. Fall off and you still die, but at least there’s more room to do something. The ocean is also easier to render moving, but it wouldn’t have to be moving anyways really.

ow cmon just like that cheezy action movies jumping from one train to other, the lack of space will increase the tension and the fun

Yeah, until someone whips out an explosive and gets a multikill in a cramped space.

Yeah, like you couldnt do it in normal maps

DB Maps are more open spaced and more freedom to move around, yes there are specific spots that are vulnerable to big radiuis blasts. But a map in a train, is a constant cramped space with no room to walljump/or dodge explosives.

I know that but in a cramped map you also have to be careful to not die by your own explosive, so spamming will be supressed

(Mr.Cuddlesworth) #8

(ThePigVomit) #9

Train in UT was a good map.

(Mc1412013) #10

@Splicerrr said:

@Drophys said:

Seems pretty cramped for DB, even with two trains together. Not a lot of opportunity to really flank all that much.
I think the concept might work better on a damaged boat or something. Fall off and you still die, but at least there’s more room to do something. The ocean is also easier to render moving, but it wouldn’t have to be moving anyways really.

ow cmon just like that cheezy action movies jumping from one train to other, the lack of space will increase the tension and the fun

Yeah, until someone whips out an explosive and gets a multikill in a cramped space.

Um i can see one of the teams going all nader or all javalin or all rhino

(henki000) #11

I like the vision of this idea, but what about the electrical hazard in top of train. I cant remember how things work in London, but we have lighting striking on trains roof. And you could just shoot that wire or press emergency brakes while in high speed, and, well, everyone dies and train stops accelerating.

(Drophys) #12

@henki000 said:
I like the vision of this idea, but what about the electrical hazard in top of train. I cant remember how things work in London, but we have lighting striking on trains roof. And you could just shoot that wire or press emergency brakes while in high speed, and, well, everyone dies and train stops accelerating.

Diesel trains for long distances

(henki000) #13

Destroy the radiator, turbo charger or even worse, throw some explosives to rails. You could deattach carriages. Block exhaust output or whatever. It does not make sense to fight in top of train while its moving.

(Drophys) #14

@henki000 said:
Destroy the radiator, turbo charger or even worse, throw some explosives to rails. You could deattach carriages. Block exhaust output or whatever. It does not make sense to fight in top of train while its moving.

it will be fun, not much in this game make sense anyway embrace the lols dude

(Ptiloui) #15

As @STARRYSOCK said, a map based on a boat would suit best Dirty Bomb’s gaemplay : more open space, multiple way to flank (considering you could even flank upside and downside, not only on the left or right).

Iit will be hard to justify an artillery strike on a boat on high seas though :smiley:

(Chris Mullins) #16

It’s an interesting idea, but it does sound pretty cramped for a Dirty Bomb Map, even if you had a couple trains side by side. The constantly moving backdrop could also be quite distracting.

(Drophys) #17

@stayfreshshoe said:
It’s an interesting idea, but it does sound pretty cramped for a Dirty Bomb Map, even if you had a couple trains side by side. The constantly moving backdrop could also be quite distracting.

But that won’t be a contrast? something fresh and new to make people change the usual strategies

(bgyoshi) #18

FF On Collision on would be a requirement to force teams to spread out and not spam nades

(Boory Marks) #19

Sounds kinda like Convoy from Tf2

(Drophys) #20

@BooryDarthNader said:
Sounds kinda like Convoy from Tf2

Holy shit did someone already thought on that? wtf i dont play tf2, i had no idea