Is it possible and easy?
I’m planning a situation like Dawn of The Dead remake.
Tons of zombies are turning around the corner in a city in an incredible speed.
And a player has no weapon, just escape!
Making undead run fast with scripting or modification
There is a MaxVel variable coded into the engine itself, but without going into coding, you could try going between the script attributes limit (300?) and the wolfanim.cfg walking and running anim speeds. Obviously a loper moving at top speed is not the same as an ubersoldat of the same scripted attribute speed, so I would try out the .cfg section for the zombie player models and then alter/max the script attribute.
One other thing I can add (if you don’t know already) is that you will have a max limit of about 64 npc or zombies per map before the game crashes. If you need it, there’s also a good reffernce on all the different rtcw zombie skins and what skin works with what ai type on the downloadable map “ai_list”.
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