Making "decals" (or whatever they're called)...

(TheRogueEvangelist) #1

I need to know how to make things like ice sickles on the edge of a house or spider webs extending accross a hall. These are called decals in Worldcraft, but I’m not sure what GtkRadiant calls them.

(DiaZ) #2

I use simple patch meshes for that. They are like a sheet you can apply a single or double-sided texture to. Then you can simply put them at a distance of 0.25 or 0.5 units from a wall if you want a “decal”. Texturing them is sometimes a bit tricky, though. If you don’t want the texture to just “fit” the patch, you’re gonna have to resize it and use natural texture alignment (ctrl+shift+n) until you are happy with the texture position, then you can resize the patch again.

(TheRogueEvangelist) #3

How do you create a patch mesh?

(DiaZ) #4

Create a normal cube brush, then go to the Curve menu and pick “Simple patch mesh”. Use the default 3x3 number of subdivisions for a square patch, but increase those numbers if you want to actually deform it (curve it by moving vertexes). Once it’s created, you can move, resize and rotate it like you’d do with any other primitive.

(TheRogueEvangelist) #5

When I try to select a side to apply the texture to , the patch mesh dissappears! If I just leave the whole mesh selected, it won’t applt the texture! ARGGGGG

(DiaZ) #6

Well you have to apply the texture to the whole mesh, and in that it’s not different from a normal brush… how are you texturing it?

(Detoeni) #7

Better to be flush with the wall and use a “decal” shader.
or use “function_decal”

see here:

(TheRogueEvangelist) #8

To DiaZ: When I first create the mesh, it is selected. But I try to click on a texture in the texture window to apply to the mesh, and nothing happens. I try to deselect the mesh a select it again, and the mesh disappears when I press escape!

To Detoeni: What is a flush??? And there is no “function_decal”! (nor any “func_decal” if that’s what you meant, which I’m sure it is. What editor are you using?

:bored: sigh

(chavo_one) #9

the mesh disappears when I press escape!

Do you have patches filtered? Try pressing ctrl+p and see if the patch reappears.

What is a flush???

from Merriam-Websters Dictionary:
“having or forming a continuous plane or unbroken surface”

And there is no “function_decal”!

I think he is refering to just plain old _decal. This was something introduced very recently into radiant. When you right-click your map, it’s the first thing on the list, right above corona.

(TheRogueEvangelist) #10


Wow. Shoulda thought of Merriam-Websters Dictionary myself.

Nope. Not there. To avoid any further confusion: I have GtkRadiant. If you need the version, I have no idea in hell, but if you need it I can find out for you.

(Detoeni) #11

I was under the impression that if you copied the entity info from the “ET.def” file to the “wolf_entity.def” file, this entity would work in rtcw. It says something about it in the tut/link.

(TheRogueEvangelist) #12

And this was all supposing that I had Enemy Territory…I see.

p.s. Yes, I have Enemy Territory.

(chavo_one) #13

It’s a compiler entity, so yes, as long as you have the right stuff in your .def file and you have a recent enough version of q3map2, then it will work for RtCW. I wasn’t saying it wouldn’t work in wolf, I was only saying that you have to have recent versions of the tools to see it work. :slight_smile:

And BTW Rogue, you don’t have to have ET to get the .def info on _decal. Just download the latest version of GTK Radiant.

(Detoeni) #14

No I just supposed you read the tut/link.

No worries, I was just trying to drop a hint to our friend here to re-read the tut, as it has all the info he needed (inclueding the text that needs to be added to def.file).

(DiaZ) #15

I suppose I was too used to Q3 / D3 mapping. Didn’t know Wolf had decals :wink: I’ll look more into this as I use the patch thingey I’ve mentioned quite frequently.

(TheRogueEvangelist) #16

To Detoeni: I’m rather sorry, however I admit to having no clue what “tut/link” is. You didn’t post a link or anything…either I don’t know something I should or my apologies for not reading something that doesn’t exist.

edit: And kindly, might you explain to me what tut/link is and where I can find it so as to make it possible for me to read it?

edit2: Oh, and if you’re refering to this: , I don’t understand what it’s saying, but I’m not going to make someone explain it to me. I’m prbably annoying you enough already. What’s the word I’m looking for here…hopelessness?